I get so lost reading this hard scientific work. Can this be broken down into easier to understand language for the average reader? It’s so over my head but it looks like we need to know/ understand. Thx❤️ To all who are working so hard to get the data and the Truth out to the ppl

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sorry for making it so confusing and difficult to read. It is basically about 3 different proteins and SPike2020 (that's the one people are getting from the genes encoding it in their bodies after the injections), all sharing remarkably one very special seldom feature among many proteins. This specific pattern of tryptophans is common for all 4 of them, implicating basically a non-random effect, which is related to the long time ago PATENTED, thus planned sequence of Spike.

Thus the Sudden Death, the changed human blood groups, the incorporation of the SARS-COV-2 genome into the human genome are all coupled. Basically I don't see it as 'random coincidence'.

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Thank you for that. I’ll pass this around!

We all do this late at night. It’s a wonder how we can sleep at night knowing this evil shit exists! 💪🙏❤️

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yes indeed, the evil is just unimaginable for an average person, who didn't work for NIH, or Pfizer, or Genentech, Gilead, etc........

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Oct 15, 2022
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Thank you for the spiritual part. Just pity you are mixing up the spiritual part with virus issues, which does not make sense to me.... And I don't think I'm ignorant about something here, let's hope that's my misunderstanding.

The 60Ghz(frequency) is absorbed by Oxygen (frequency + matter), and surely it will affect the entire body(frequency + matter), but there is also something like genes, which is an equal part of it all.

I disagree with, quoting your words: "But many have died and have been injured because they did not believe." I see this tragedy as the lack of knowledge and deception across the board, by those who have power over all media, education system, maybe even mind control...Yes, strong believe will help and protect, but with a criminal terror like the mandates, families can't survive without bending to the death cult.

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So, so brilliant!

But so hard for a stupid person like me.

Just wow!  Tryptophan and iron!  Tryptophan, in the manner of iron, in its ascendancy, now has a role in crossing photonics with magnetism.  Fascinating.

All I could think of is how glyphosate has an effect on the shikimate pathway, which ultimately impedes the production of tryptophan.  Thoughts on this, please? 

And should people be supplementing with tryptophan? Would supplementation with tryptophan enrich the conserved tryptophan in all of the enumerated proteins?

  And if you can further elaborate on the relationship between photons and magnetic fields, it would be ever so helpful.  Many of us blithely employ photobiomodulation  and frequency devices.  

Sorry for all of the questions.  In abject appreciation, I offer my huge thanks for all of your kind efforts.

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thank you for the kind words:) Don't say bad things about yourself, nobody is stupid, we all are just mis-informed, uninformed, basically lied too much, for ages.

ad 1. glyphosate inhibits the enzyme EPSP which is essential in the aromatic amino acids production, so it not only affects tryptophan but equally tyrosine and phenylalanine production. All very narrow connected to the basic human neurotransmitters.. EPSP is present only in plants and some bacteria have it, in particular the good gut bacteria.. The tryptophan supplementation might be tricky, I addressed that in:



and in one I also mentioned its applications for HIV patients... Just need to look more into it, do more research:)

The photons and magnetic fields connection was always there in basic physics Maxwell's equations. To couple it with our 'bodily ingredients' like DNA/RNA/proteins is essential for the understanding of all the new technologies like wi-fi, which tries to destroy it... As I mentioned it, this post is by far not complete yet, learning new stuff with every day, if possible:)

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Thank you so much for the kindness of your reply.

In the Universe is Mental video, tryptophan's virtuosity is its ability to pass on photonic light, even with a potential singular capacity for cellular chemoilluminescence. 

 Start at circa 32 minutes https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ISiQ7P8GxAN/

And the video discusses SARS relative to tryptophan. For example, the study:  SARS-CoV2 Infection Alters Tryptophan Catabolism and Phospholipid Metabolism

What is intriguing is the photonic power crossing with magnetism. I know it would affect iron.  And the poor people getting MRIs with GADO.  Are you worried about nanoparticles of GO?  Can it functionalize GO/chitin? What is the dire import for us to harbor this photon-cum-magnetism in us all of the time?  .... I passed along your comment about chelation therapy and your invaluable tip on hydrogen peroxide to others. Thank you for that!!

P.S.  Oh, yes, I am stupid and very old.  Today is my birthday!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Since can't attach nice card here at least some sound:)


Yes, GO and all its derivatives are the worst nightmare, extremely bad. It can functionalize with almost anything, in particular with flat aromatic ring structures, that includes all aromatic amino acids, DNA, RNA, invermectin, including chitin and many more.

Will check that video you've send and get back to you:) Thank you.

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Thank you so much

It is an honor to be here.

And thank you for your lovely reference:

” One of the kind readers (Sally Gould) pointed to this wonderful video summarizing lot of the topics around that theme: "https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ISiQ7P8GxAN/

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Yeah, that was a really beautiful part of the topic to think about which proteins are contributing to magnetic sense of the earth. That's definitely something I want to know more about. Thanks for your post!

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Most Excellent piece!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙌👍😊

Thank you for putting most of the pieces together, especially in one post. I have been waiting for almost 3 years now for someone else to understand the link with Tryptophan, amyloids, iron, sunlight, C19 and the mitochondrial impacts. Awesome post please keep going. You are so close.

Walter Chestnut's substack touched on it, but he seemed to get distracted by the amyloid proteins and downstream impacts and focused on that, losing the tryptophan connection with photobiomodulation. He does brilliant work though. As do you.

The connections are there.

Tryptophan (our photon "flux capacitator"!), melatonin (our oldest and most master antioxidant), glysophate (the water soluble, perniciously insidious and widely spread toxicant, that also happens to substitute for glycine in the body), soil (the annihilation of microbes by pesticides through the shikimate pathway, particularly the ones that produce metabolite to form tryptohan) and...........(something universal that inhibits absorption of sunlight and its spectrum).

And yes as you point out, also shows premeditation in the planning and distribution of C19 and its related products.

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Thank you very much for your enthusiastic reaction:) The Neurotransmitter post has also some of the info you are mentioning. I send out the Spike bioinformatics facts to FDA long time ago (copy in https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/why-cdcfda-ignore-the-spike-protein ), no response.. This topic alone could make a book, I do believe.

The tryptophan configuration in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike, the most conserved portion of this patented entity is really intriguing, because it connects it with HIV, Fauci's specialty...

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Off topic, but I was wondering what you thought of brainy Ehden Biber's new post, The Sequence.

It is way, way too hard for me.


Thank you!

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I added your link to the first video suggest into the content of this post:) Thank you again.

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Do you know if there are any tests to confirm spike still in the body after injection?

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I'd only add to what Dave mentioned below, that pathologists are staining the tissue with specific immmunostainig chemicals to visualize Spike's presence. These are commercial labelled Spike antibodies which bind to it. This is not possible to do on living human body though, unless the same maybe could be done with just tiny blood sample alone and different labels? What Prof. Burkard and his team did, they stained their samples also with antibodies of the nucleocapsid, in order to exclude the normal viral 'SARS-CoV-2 infection which would bring that other protein in too. That negative control is important.

I don't trace literature on this topic too much unfortunately..

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It's really hard for honest experts to keep up with this shit, let alone dilettantes.

Thanks for your newsletter BTW, I sub via RSS.

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I don't know of any myself, but a D-DIMER should show if there's abnormal clotting, and there are tests for Covid antibodies.

Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:


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thanks for your link with many healthy instructions, except for few.. Just my opinion. I'd question very much the C60, which is basically graphene packed into a sphere, and the sensititvity towards specific frequencies might be identical.. C60 is 100% SYNTEHTIC, like graphene is... Then I'd question glycine. Yes, it is a part of glutathione, but your body can produce glycine easy from other compounds in a natural way. NAC on the contrary, is the rate limiting step in glutathione production, that's why FDA prohibits NAC and NOT glycine, for example... My thoughts about glycine go always in the direction of N-phosphonomethylGLYCINE=Roundup Ready=>Monsanto...=>GMO's....=> CANCER.

I'd also add quercitin with the zinc, and absolutely no Vit K.. In terms of enzymes, add trypsin with EDTA and you will catch the metals and dissolve the hydrogels, just in case they are out there..

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C60 appears in nature in shungite (along with C70 and other carbon nano-spheriods).

Rat toxicity studies had the unexpected side-effect of causing the rats to outlive the amount of money allocated for the study (and past the shortened lifespan they were bred for (Wister rats, IIRC)).


YMMV, use your best judgement, not medical advice, it's biohacking advice.

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do you have some publications stating the natural C60 presence? I'm not material scientist, but knowing enough about graphene, which to some extend relates with C60, the history of IBM, Nobel committees, electronic and material research all coupled to C60, implies to me, C60 is not good for the human body, which is not the same as a solar cell, which likes microwaves...

But will check more on it, one never knows.. Thank you.

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Why no vitamin K?

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From : https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminK-HealthProfessional/

Prothrombin (clotting factor II) is a vitamin K-dependent protein in plasma that is directly involved in blood clotting.

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I take Vit D3 with K2 because K2 allows better pathways for the body to absorb the D3. Many D3 vitamins come with the K2 for that purpose.

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I don't take K personally (I get a lot from food), but I wonder if removing it might screw up the body's ability to react with normal clotting action. The "clots" that are showing up in autopsies and embalming appear to be composed of fibrous protein, not agglutinated blood cells - I think they are something entirely different.

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In answer to K being involved in clotting, and should we take it or not,

it doesn't matter if you take it or not. The clotting factors are all fully activated in adults, whether we take vitamins or not. Except in certain tissues in certain disease states: during which the level of Vit K in our blood doesn't change the reduced carboxylation status. In this case, basically, the body is running its own show. Studies have tried to alter that status by giving mega-doses with some limited success in relation to the effort required to change the clotting status.

Also, Vit K is ubiquitous in food and very little is required to keep the clotting factors activated.

If anything, Vit K2 is good to have more of because it corresponds to better brain health and vibrant aging, as seen in the Japanese for instance.

If you're worried about reducing clotting risk, look rather in the direction of lowering inflammation (anti-inflammatory natural solutions) or pop a low-dose aspirin in times of risk, optionally amplified by doctor-prescribed anticoagulation if genuinely merited such as post-op or during covid.

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I believe K2 is included in some of the suggested protocols.

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I'd add H2O2, alone because of the possible graphene involvement in all of it:


Nebulize * Hydrogen Peroxide * Iodine * Dr. Brownstein * Dr. Mercola

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I take most of those supplements that are suggested on those protocols. Thanks for the advice. I knew about the D-dimer, but I was just hoping that something new may have come out that I wasn't aware of.

I think going forward, there NEEDS to be a blood test of some sort so that people can identify the chemicals in the body that are causing cancers, deaths & illness. I think good and awake doctors would then be able to assess their patients better knowing how much spike or what ever is killing and maiming people is in the system of the affected.

There has to be a way to clear out the human body of these toxic chemicals...but maybe not since the chemicals have changed the DNA to be something less than human if you survive the injection in the first place.

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it is difficult if not impossible to draw any definite conclusions about these shots, given their censorship in every aspect, all what we are left are their consequences. Scientists/MD's/ the 'experts' should have rejected that 'new technology' before it even started to be applied on that amount of clueless, simple people.

I wrote a letter to FDA LONG time ago, summarizing the basics of what scientists know about the Spike sequence, somewhere around the EUA period, partly available at:


but it didn't get 'accepted' by their 'review' committee....

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There's going to be a lot of "secrets revealed" (per Clif High) with regards to health (and everything) as the secrecy/surveillance machine breaks down in the coming years.

AFA cancer is concerned, it probably got cured in '08: https://knowledgeofhealth.com/what-if-cancer-was-already-cured/

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it got cured many decades before that, all suppressed. Just check out 'The Truth about Cancer' by Ty and Charlene Bollinger, it will open your eyes entirely. Or read few books like from Dr. William D. Kelley...

The cancer history is connected with its 'viral origin', all started around the time of DNA discovery...

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cool! Thanks

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We're gonna make it

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Oct 15, 2022Edited
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it's hopeless. Do you have an idea how to stop the criminals?? I Owe you some responses, never got to it yet! Thanks for your patience:)

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Oct 18, 2022
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THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I tried to register, but it didn't work out for some reason. Now it works from this link!:))

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Oct 18, 2022
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in the meantime Gary NUll's movie is out there too:


Science for Hire_full movie_a Gary Null Production

There are couple of things in this move though, which drive me crazy. For example a talk JUST about the gp120 HIV insert into the SARSR-CoV-2 Spike. Nobody talks about the MOST essential, RGD motif, integrin section which connects to Fauci's patents, and many decades old russian research on blood clumping motifs.... All mentioned in the post: https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/dr-bret-weinstein-yuri-deigin-and

nobody wants to read...

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Oct 15, 2022
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Thank YOU for reading!

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