Bravo to the few of european parliament members. Ursula should not just resign, she should be investigated and punished. Otherwise another one like her will be happy to take her place and continue to do the same crimes and abuses. We can expect anything when the corporations powers and money are above the law and governments so here we are, abused, agresed, put at the corner and subjects of their criminal experiments.

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Where you said, "very unique cysteine cluster at the C-terinal of Spike", I assume you meant C-terminal instead of C-terinal. If so, it may be worth correcting.

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Really, really loath to bother you, but I just learned about the putative new cleavage site, cathepsin (in addition to furin )

And here is the comment of interest by Tony VanDongen:

"An additional cleavage site was discovered in the SARS2 spike protein. So it can be cleaved by two proteases, furin, and cathepsin. This has implications for the vaccines since cathepsin cleavage would release a small soluble peptide containing the 3 HIV-1 homology regions.SARS2 can bind to and cause apoptosis of CD4+ T-cells. This adds more urgency to the question whether the 3 HIV-1 homology loops that come together in the 3D structure of the spike protein can form an interaction surface for a CD4 cell receptor."

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And you were saying about yourself what???? THANK YOU FOR THE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ANOTHER LINK to HIV... Maybe substack should introduce multiple users writing one article, like in science indeed:) That cathepsin connection was known for quite a while already I just see, in 2021 or maybe even sooner. The one from 2021:

Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021 Mar 27;6(1):134. doi: 10.1038/s41392-021-00558-8.

"Cathepsin L plays a key role in SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans and humanized mice and is a promising target for new drug development "

and the HIV is all about cathepsins, just a quick look on quant gives TONS of articles about that!

Do you want to write an article on it and connect to this one???

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Thank you for your abiding kindness!

Trust me. sadly, the AOA MD genes skipped me.

However, I am passionate about helping people. I am the volunteer writer/editor of:


It is all too hard for me, but I will keep reading and researching, and I will strive to contribute to your brilliant research. I just alluded to your research on John Paul's site, as to the potential of the spike protein to affect other viruses. I will never forget "building blocks".


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That's a great site! So much good information! Is there a section where you include 'thoughts', psychological attitude towards ones own body? When I listened to many cancer researchers, quite few of them implicated 'personal issues' in cancer development too. The microwaving is one essential factor in my opinion though.

Oh. so, I'll do a new section on the cathepsin connection to HIV in this post and point again towards YOUR KINDNESS of working on it too:)

John Paul, the II? He is gone, long time ago...

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Again, thank you so much!!!!!!

Although I did not inherit the AOA MD genes, I know that I inherited a lot of mutated genes that are all compounded by the horrors of the environment.  Oh,yes, the emotional aspect is extremely important. But,  I have always been chary of discussing it, because I do not ever want to blame the victim.  Just help people as much as we can and eschew the unkind. That is my philosophy in my old age.

Here is John Paul's most recent Substack:

***Hybrid virus particles, biofilms, and bacterial internet October 29th


My comment--

Thank you so much for compiling and sharing such fascinating information!!

Just yesterday, I learned about common building blocks of SARS with other viruses on the absolutely wonderful mejbcart Substack cited below: https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/how-much-hiv-is-in-sars-cov-2-faucis"....

"In order to propagate for example viral SARS-CoV-2 infection with a big pool of identical building blocks common with HIV-1, with Marburg, with all the other viruses mentioned in previous posts, incredible large portions of HUMAN proteins, any genetic re-programming of the human body for synthetic SARS Spikes production will automatically affect infections with other even more lethal or maybe even benign viruses."

On to bacteria....

And, now, I am so happy to be able to share your Substack research on bacteria with two io groups. Carlo Brogna and his team have another cool study. https://f1000research.com/articles/11-292 We know that the virus can enter bacteria and stick around for a long period.  Further, a most intriguing finding, Different lineages?  Hijacking of the cellular machinery of two different species? "Overall, this finding provides an indication that bacteria might be a potential source of novel SARS mutations, and gives rise to the possibility that intra-host SARS haploytpes might reflect different intestinal bacterial prior host environments of the virus.  This observation would represent the basis for one of the proposed origins of the Omicron variant i.e. that Omicron (and other variants) might have evolved in the gut bacteria of one person."

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Great post, and between us we now have 2 signalling pathways to induce EMT via SNAIL, apart from HIV inserts the other is via downregulation of tumor suppressor miR200:

Spike protein induced carcinogenesis via interactions with Snail protein and anti-cancer effects of the over-the-counter drug Glucosamine Sulphate


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Thanks a lot for the feedback and the link! I was also looking into the carcinogenesis of the Spike on its own, maybe too primitive, but nevertheless:


and also from yet another different point of view:


There are personal remarks, which you can skip and go to the main analytical portion:) Only if your time allows. Thank you again.

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oh, would you add some MSM and liposomal VitC to the GS? Spike is so glycosylated that GS probably covers up lot of its important 'entry' points..

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GS is acting to inhibit EMT, so it's less antiviral more anti cancer.

Master list of antivirals, which will have baicalin added to it soon:


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Thank you for the link again! Baicalin is related to catechin:

"Flavocoxid, a Nutraceutical Approach to Blunt Inflammatory Conditions".

The catecholamines connection with covid was in my march '22 post and also later on in the connection with 5G:


Recent article in german though, is also mentioning a plant with yet another glycoside Strophantin:


That's what Dr. Cowan is using on his patients, or was at least... Real Heart wonder:)

Thank you for the great list on your post, will send it to the injected friends...

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Too detailed for me, since I hate the notion of anything foreign in my body, a healthy attitude methinks, all I need to know is injections bad, gmo bad, drugs bad. I eat healthy food and place my body into a state of autophagy every day for a few hours and I'll call it good.

I noticed you are promoting a Youyube video. Ha!

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That's great tactics to stay sane too and to know the simple things which protect you day by day while enjoying this world:) Or let's say, whatever is left from it.

Ah, I do not promote youtube, that's the only video I can find about this EU announcement.

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Do you know if the spike or the HIV in the covid shots is transmissible by human to human touch or sexual contact? How can we test to see how much spike or HIV someone has in their body? How long does this spike or HIV last in a body? I have questions and no one seems to know the answers.

Are there any specific blood tests out there? Should I buy a microscope and look at blood samples to determine what is normal and not?

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You asked the same question in some of the other posts. I answered. So just short again, but after more thinking:) If somebody got the synthetic gene, which possibly 'never dies', then the outlook won't be good, I do believe. Surely nanoparticles, carrying it, can spread it who knows how far and where. There are the immunohistological tests for Spike detection, used by the pathologists..

To have own little microscope, is always good, even the 60X ones. That's how I detected the 'dust' sprayed on us, years back, BEFORE the Santa Rosa fires, all caused by the nanos, which cause completely unnatural fires. To see what your eye can't do so well, will give you more insight what is going on!

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I just keep hoping and praying that testing will get easier with a blood test to see how much spike is left in someone. Does it last and replicate for ever? How do we know of its never been tested? Or it has been tested but only 4 months out. How did they test these people? I know I keep asking the same questions but there has to be an answer someone somewhere that says yes, get XYZ blood test and that will measure the spike quantity. Dr's just say take a DDimer test that doesn't answer much except if you are prone to blood clots.

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found this one you can try:


from the interview at:


The only thing I'd add, assuming there are highly magnetic particles in the injections or highly charged particles, which the nanolipids apparently are, once in human body, then putting yourself into a tesla MRI or CT scan machine can possibly do more damage then good, in my opinion.

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just do not worry to much, we all are affected internally by the drastic world changes ever since 2020. Exercise, good food, supplements, meditation, prayers, some good laugh, better job, all can help to overcome the worst nightmare. Here a cute link:


or just listen to this magnificent music piece, start at 1:30:


do you feel better now?? If not, 'Cancel my subscription—I don’t need your issues.'

The last is just a joke, taken from this link above;)

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A brilliant post!

Thank you so much for all of your tireless efforts to help us. All of this compelling, unique information relative to HIV and Marburg is invaluable. I even re-watched the Dr. Thompson video.

I, for one, am hugely appreciative.....

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Thank you!

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In your second paragraph after your final chart you seem to say:

"... in order to propagate for example viral SARS-CoV-2 infection with a big pool of identical building blocks common with [some] other viruses ... [and] HUMAN proteins, any genetic re-programming of the human body for synthetic SARS Spikes production will automatically affect infections with other ... viruses."

What do you mean about the spike proteins affecting other viral infections? And are you referring to Covid virus spike proteins, or injected mRNA spike proteins?

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The injected mRNA is supposed to produce the Spike in every accessible cell, so when I speak about the SPike, I mean the one produced by the synthetic innjected gene, which at least officially suppose to be the same as the 'natural infectious viral Spike.

Viruses are known to self assemble from the surrounding amino acid, nucleic acid parts, after the entry into the infected cell. The more of the Spike is being produced, and degraded, the higher the probability to assemble similar infectious agent, using these parts. It's like having the recipe for a cake, in which you can substitute certain parts and make something similar. That's how I Understand viruses, while not being virologist.

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You said: "A check for homologies with Dipeptidyl peptidase DPP4, membrane glycoprotein ... 92% sc and 37% identities...."

What does 92% sc mean?

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sequence coverage (sc) means if you are comparing 2 proteins with an identical amino acid sequence length, and the software does not apply any cuts or omits to them, then that coverage would be 100%. No matter what you are comparing, it i always good to have your own eye check done. It's like CDC doesn't want to see the deaths, so does NIH does not want you to tell little bit more details...Never trust a computer:)

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"and then

“SARS-CoV-2 Mediated Endothelial Dysfunction: The Potential Role of Chronic Oxidative Stress“ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33519510/)"



When a nanomaterial is introduced into a living system it interacts with biological molecules (proteins, lipids, etc.) leading to the formation of a so-called bio-corona on the surface (26), or, to put this in immunological terms, the nanomaterial is opsonized (the process whereby pathogens or cells are rendered more susceptible to phagocytosis). Detailed studies of various types of nanoparticles have shown that bio-corona formation depends not only on the size or surface curvature of the particle but also on surface properties such as the degree of hydrophobicity (27–29). The bio-corona has been shown to modulate cellular uptake of nanomaterials (30), and a recent study suggested that proteins present in the original protein corona are retained on the nanoparticles until they reach the lysosomes (31). Moreover, the adsorption of proteins may mitigate the cytotoxic effects of nanomaterials.

Intravenously injected nanomaterials can adsorb a wide range of proteins in the blood (39). The bio-corona of blood proteins is rapidly formed, and it has been shown to affect hemolysis and thrombocyte activation (40). Furthermore, complement activation on the surface of nanomaterials is of particular concern when it comes to clinical applications. In fact, complement proteins have been consistently identified in or on nanoparticle coronas (28, 30, 40, 41). The complement system is a critical component of the innate immunity in the blood; it is a proteolytic cascade typically triggered via three distinct pathways (classical, lectin, and alternative) that converge to generate the same set of effector molecules at the third component of complement (C3) (42). Complement proteins opsonize pathogens and cells for engulfment via complement receptors and could conceivably promote nanomaterial uptake as well. However, certain complement factors may instead confer “stealth” properties to nanomaterials by preventing further complement activation, as shown in a recent study on GO (43). Complement activation also liberates two potent effector molecules (C3a and C5a) that play important roles in the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells as well as anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death (44)

Concluding Remarks

In the current essay, we have highlighted recent research on the interactions of GBMs, in particular GO, with the immune system, focusing our discussion mainly on in vitro studies. While we are far from a comprehensive understanding of these interactions, one may ask whether there are any general conclusions at this point. One technical, yet non-trivial issue when performing studies of GBMs and immune-competent cells concerns the importance of knowing not only the test material (10), and whether there are traces of endotoxin as this may impact on subsequent immune responses, but also the test system, i.e., the cell model including the composition of the cell medium, and whether this is supplemented or not with serum. Furthermore, it is important to realize that the plasma membrane is not only an impassive barrier between the interior of a cell and the extracellular space but also serves as an important platform for cellular communication between cells, and between the exterior and interior of a cell (104). This is true not least for immune-competent cells that are specialized in sensing and sampling their environment. It follows from this argument that the effects of a biomaterial on the cell membrane could have ramifications for immune cell communication and function. It is of interest to note that the adjuvant, alum, was previously shown to trigger responses in DCs by altering membrane lipid structures, demonstrating that not all immune signaling is receptor mediated, and suggesting that the plasma membrane could behave as a “sensor” for solid structures (105). Thus, the impact of a biomaterial is not necessarily linked to whether or not the material is internalized as direct effects on the plasma membrane could also come into play. In the field of nanotoxicology, much time and effort has been devoted to the determination of the dose of nanoparticles delivered to and internalized by cells, but for atomically thin materials with large lateral dimensions, some toxicological outcomes may depend on direct effects on the plasma membrane, and not only on cellular uptake of the material. In other words, as we continue to probe immunological responses toward GBMs and other 2D materials, we should not forget that significant insights may come from studying seemingly superficial interactions. Or, as actress Ava Gardner once put it, “Deep down, I’m pretty superficial.”

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Rather, how much graphene and how many nanobots are in those lethal injections: Dr. David Nixon speeded up the 3-hour footage of Pfizer's product: https://rumble.com/v1prv94-world-first-robotic-arms-assembling.html? utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email And here is the technology: https://omniprex.com/en/cancer-fighting-nanorobots-programmed-to-seek-and-destroy-tumors/ or https://www.silist.com/what-if-we-could-use-nanobots-to-fight-disease/

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As you can see this is totally different topic! Dr. Nixon et al. can tell you what you are looking for. I do not have access to any of the quipment, to any of the samples, etc. PLUS am not MD having access to any of the vials. All I have is access to computer and sequences, and give right now what I''m receving in the email after sending this post, even that seems to be HACKED! There are others who can help you with your question, who have apparently access to everything what I don't, for example:


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Further proof is needed to assure nanomaterial safety related to intolerable inflammation, cellular damage, fibrosis, small granulomatous lesions, geno-immunotoxicity, and oxidative stress due to abnormal NP accumulation in the alveoli which results in alveolar cell damage, blood vessel penetration, and then translocation to other organs.249251 The design of such nanocarriers in such a way that the nanoformulation can escape the recognition by scavenger cells is also challenging and needs considerable effort before clinical translation.6

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Dear Mejbcart, Well, it is one and the same topic. Why? Because the cause of immune deficiency (HIV) is the destruction of the immune system by acute oxidative stress/free and oxy radicals from the toxicity of the ingredients used. It's not the virus that causes oxidative stress. It is oxidative stress that destroys the immune system. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5088339/pdf/OMCL2016-8910396.pdf

There are many toxic substances, but especially toxic are those injected and toxic drugs.

We have allowed Big Pharma to introduce toxins into our bodies through so-called vaccines and many toxic drugs.

Personally, after much research, I am certain that Freddie Mercury was killed by AZT, not HIV.



The same goes for those injections C-19. They cause oxidative stress, and acute oxidative stress destroys the immune system. It's like a dam on a river: the water would tear through the weakest point. That's why so many adverse reactions occur.

The problem lies in the toxicity of these injections. they cause VAIDS, but also thousands of other reactions. truly, THEY want us to believe in the virus. THEY don't want us to know that the reason for at least 85% of diseases is oxidative stress, acute oxidative stress.

This is why this is so important to understand what causes toxicity that causes oxidative stress.

With my outmost respect for your work...

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Thank you for your answer and the links. As you hopefully noticed, I'm not writing about the virus, but about the SPIKE, just one extremely toxic PROTEIN component, because that's most certain that it really exists, leaving out the viral part. Surely you are very right, covid induces ROS, and so does graphene, graphene coagulates blood, and so does Spike, etc. Go figure.. There is one symptom though, which DOES NOT fit typical coronaviruses infection, and that is hair loss. That indeed can only indicate radiation/chemo poisoning.. The 60GHz radiation absorbed by O2 clearly can be the ultimate killer. That's why actions of elimination of 5G are extremely important.

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All research moves us further - even if we make mistakes, we can bounce and find a better solution to the problem.

Because I know oxidative stress is the cause, I know what C-19 patients and injured should take and this KEEPS them alive. Sadly, they have to take it (especially higher doses of NAC), otherwise some of these people would not be alive, they turned to me in a critical condition

But it does not mean we have a full solution. I am sure what you said it one of the MAIN solutions: "That's why actions of elimination of 5G are extremely important."

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I just watched quite few times by now Dr. Nixon's video and first now realized, its total crazyness. As a crystallographer you always see static or fractal structures developing over time, changing depending on light, temperature, air pressure, physical movements. But this coordinated real microscopic robotic world is just unbelievable. Still digesting it. If indeed like their team is saying, that all stops with 5G, then that's what one needs to do, stop it NOW. One thing is not adding up yet, the scale and the time, plus an addition of human blood into this assembly. It is all indeed worst then the worst horror movie. But I hope there must be a solution to this material take over. I do not believe they can take over our consciousness, ever.

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This is why people get so sick, including my immediate family members, without whom there is NO LIFE in this world for me. I will NEVER FORGIVE THIS and will fight to my last breath for their lives. WE MUST STOP THIS FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY

My experience is that NAC and other antioxidants keeps them alive

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As for mind control patents, I have posted some links on my Substack:


and on the real possibility of another "pandemic" of the "hemorrhagic virus":


This is just technology, and it is being used

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Thank you

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Sage, "I'm starting to smell a dirty rat, a dirty communist rat."

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what is it about?

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Kitten, one more, one more. How about your fur? Is it all ok for the dark cold winter?

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oooooh… kitten does not like cold or dark 🙀😹

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on other note: THANK you for liking.

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Maybe the answer is here somewhere: https://www.seekr.com/search?query=sage+communist+rat - but I don't really know.

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Thank you, maybe the commenter will tell us:)

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Who was it that said this spike protein is the most toxic 'therapeutic' ever used in medicine? Not even including the graphene and nanobots!

Of course, it's not a therapeutic, but a bioweapon.

That was the reason for the General 'Buck' Turgidson comment above.

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who is Turgidson? wish could read your mind...

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Oct 29, 2022
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I'd add more specifically:


with quotes:

• Major biochip development goal achieved with the fabrication of a graphenebased field effect transistor that operates in a liquid environment.

• The gFET device is the biochip sensing component that will be used for digitising biologically relevant signals, like those from viruses or bacteria.

• Archer’s biochip innovation aims to integrate gFETs into advanced microfluidic systems to create miniaturised lab-on-a-chip device platforms.

• The biochip is being developed in-house by Archer staff and Archer owns 100% of the biochip technology intellectual property.


" biochemical reactions developed with the potential for on-chip detection and quantification of specific DNA or RNA fragments relevant to viruses and bacteria"

The archons pop up more and more:


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Nov 2, 2022
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thank you for the link, precious as always. If you know some of Clifford Carnicom's work, he claimed to have detected artificial blood in geoengineering fallout...

Just listening to Todd's Callender and Mike Adams yesterdays' (10/31) interview. Just added this link at the top of: https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/sudden-death-blood-groups-walenskys

the most recent Cs-137 in the vials...

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Nov 2, 2022
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well, not wow, we seem to have Fukushima inside of human bodies...

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Thank you for all the links! It takes time to start connecting the dots! What I miss in Dr. Noxin presentation are important facts, which his team is not sharing. To have a good control experiment is essential into believing what they show. We know we are sprayed with 'stuff' for DECADES and we know graphene and who knows what else is in the air too.... I asked Dr. Nixon't team for the control, NO ANSWER... In my opinion arrogance, is not a good sign, in particular in extremely important issues.

Oh, btw, I realized, I saw already all the videos you pointed too, quite a while ago though!

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Nov 2, 2022
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no not from any pharma vial, but 'home' of 'lab' made mixture of 100% clean distilled water with the salts Pfizer claims they have in the inejctions. in exactly the ration they claim they put. That would be the proof, that nothing 'self'-assemblying could ever come out of it, but plain, normal crystallization of all the given salts. WIth the picture of them, for the court.... To make this is also important to keep it in exactly the same condition(temp, light, EMF's, humindity) as the pharma vial, alone due to the presents of all sorts of contaminants in the air.

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look at pictures of lipid crystals, cholesterol christals

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None of this is in the tested vials yet.

But with mandated jabs, they could someday be.

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