The missing puzzle piece when discussing the effects of heavy metal toxicity in the body is high frequency electromagnetic radiation (also known as electromagnetic frequencies/fields, or EMFs). In combination with wireless technology, heavy metal toxicity is a very dangerous mix; when you are metal toxic, the body essentially becomes like an antenna to these lethal frequencies – lethal because these signals can change the body’s DNA over time (other forms of radiation change the DNA more quickly.)
When one considers the numerous ways we take on heavy metals from the environment, unless you are already on a heavy metal detox regimen, chances are you are toxic.
Geoengineering is a global phenomenon and the aerosols (chemtrails) are known to contain numerous heavy metals. There’s also metals in the water and food. Illnesses are exacerbated by the heavy metals. The most conservative estimates are that the chemtrail phenomenon started globally in the mid-1990s. So, if you are in your mid-20s or older you have accumulated decades worth of trace heavy metals in your tissues. This is an example of slow bio-accumulation from the environment. Heavy metals alone have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Studies of particulates found in atmospheric aerosol spraying has found the following substances; aluminum, barium, strontium, mercury, lead, fluoride, etc. These contaminates lodge in your brain, bones, skin and central nervous system.
You must detox your body of heavy metals! You simply have to do it. It’s the other half of the equation to staying healthy. The detox plan must also be able to remove fungus and other pathogens. You need to start drinking clean water from a trusted local source, either mineralized or distilled. I’ve been drinking distilled water religiously for almost two years now and love it. It’s a good way to flush the heavy metals from your body and reduce the toxic uptake.
A good way to determine your body’s toxicity is to get a ‘hair mineral trace analysis.’ The hair analysis just requires a section of hair be removed from your scalp to be sent to the lab. That section of hair has all the information the laboratory needs to determine 36 metals that can be present in the body. It’s a convenient and affordable way to find out what heavy metals are in the body, and what minerals minerals may be deficient.
A high protein mineral fatty-acid diet and drinking lots of fluid is critical in building detoxing agents. Fatty acids must be constantly replenished because deficiency leaves the nervous system vulnerable to fat-soluble metals. Taking metal-detoxing herbs is also key to restoring natural function.
where is all the public scrutiny /research on 5G impact on humans, all living organisms... or is it so profitable it just gets a free pass... saw one study on the impact of cell phone emissions on blood platelets that inspired me to relocate my charger and minimize usage...🐱🙏🐱
injectable gene modification thru misrepresentation = more serious than a crime
there are actually many out there, but suppressed, of course. Two examples from my old 5G slide:
1. Goldstein (68) exposed rabbits for 5 minutes to 700-2.800 μW/cm2, 9.3 GHz, and found no EEG changes during the exposure period. Commencing about I0 minutes after exposure, however, there occurred an interval of decreased total integrated EEG that persisted for up to 15 minutes. The authors reported that the observed changes in the EEG resembled those induced by hallucinogenic drugs.
2. One of the American scientists who pioneered the study of EMF effects on the nervous system is Allen Frey; his work has included studies of the effects on evoked potentials (12.), behavior (17), and hearing phenomena (18). In 1975 Frey reported an increase in the permeability of the blood brain barrier (the selective process by which capillaries in the brain regulate transport of substances between the blood and the surrounding neuropil) of rats exposed to 2400 μW/cm2 (continuous) or 200 μW/cm2(pulsed) at 1.2 GHz (19). Frey found that dye injected into the bloodstream appeared in the brain of exposed animals, but not the control animals, and that the pulsed EMF was more effective than the continuous signal in opening the barrier, even though the average power level of the pulsed signal was only one-tenth that of the continuous signal. Frey's findings were confirmed and extended by Oscar and Hawkins in 1977 (20). They reported that continuous and pulsed EMFs both increased brain-tissue Permeability.. Effects were observed at average powers as low as 30 μW/cm2.
And here a link to the table with exposure limits in different countries:
forgot to add, one of the first most extensive collections of research and studies generally on all the higher frequency ranges, ending up with 5G and higher is the:
Yes, children are in particular affected due to their smaller body mass and higher water content of their bodies. I wrote one post about 5G for a start:
oh I know them for quite some time, but unfortunately have some very questionable issues with that group. I did send them quite few essential documents 95G, Spike bioinformatics), never any response.. When you have so much information as they have, and you continue calling covid injections 'vaccines', you know something is very wrong here.
thats good you shared info w them I trust them to date. i think some call it a vaccine fpr simplicity bcuz its harder to tell public especially those not wide awake and well informed on the truth of the matter re the cvid vax by calling it experimental gene therapy dangerous injection.... though its clearer to say so. i say we must be careful who we talk down and why because we are essentially on the same team fighting the same fight and someone may turn down a resource if s/o else says 'dont trust them' also i add probably if they knowyou personally that might help . they are working on lawsuits so the info you sent may be used without acknowledging it or maybe they have ot already i certainly dont know just a hard environment i know ppl who may not trust a source because of slander articles on the Internet which they don't realize are put there for the purpose of discrediting but are not necessarily true ( im referring to google results for example... oh let me research and find out the background of that person....hmmm... wrong search engine ... hello bias and censorship!) be blessed and thanks for your advocacy!!
They don't even make this, the 2nd hurdle. The first: do I trust Bill gates, worldwide Coordinated plan (ie, communistic), scientists being silenced....
And yes, 2nd hurdle... it's not a vaccine. It's a DEATHVAX
The Bluetooth Challenge Explained. Why Covid Vaxxed People are Emitting Bluetooth Codes and How You Can See it For Yourself.
¨In this post Hope and Tivon discuss the Bluetooth challenge in great detail to try to explain how human beings who have received the COVID injections are now emitting Bluetooth codes or anonymous IP addresses that you can see using your phone.¨ Read More. Video 1:33 min
I think it was an italian Dr. De Benito who performed the experiments on his ~120 patients and discovered the MAC addresses emitted by the injected only:
thank you and if you like it, while being convinced, please share with others. If all people start changing their language away from the FDA redefinitions, nobody will get injected with any of the toxic, long time ago planned covid 'products'...
The missing puzzle piece when discussing the effects of heavy metal toxicity in the body is high frequency electromagnetic radiation (also known as electromagnetic frequencies/fields, or EMFs). In combination with wireless technology, heavy metal toxicity is a very dangerous mix; when you are metal toxic, the body essentially becomes like an antenna to these lethal frequencies – lethal because these signals can change the body’s DNA over time (other forms of radiation change the DNA more quickly.)
When one considers the numerous ways we take on heavy metals from the environment, unless you are already on a heavy metal detox regimen, chances are you are toxic.
Geoengineering is a global phenomenon and the aerosols (chemtrails) are known to contain numerous heavy metals. There’s also metals in the water and food. Illnesses are exacerbated by the heavy metals. The most conservative estimates are that the chemtrail phenomenon started globally in the mid-1990s. So, if you are in your mid-20s or older you have accumulated decades worth of trace heavy metals in your tissues. This is an example of slow bio-accumulation from the environment. Heavy metals alone have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Studies of particulates found in atmospheric aerosol spraying has found the following substances; aluminum, barium, strontium, mercury, lead, fluoride, etc. These contaminates lodge in your brain, bones, skin and central nervous system.
You must detox your body of heavy metals! You simply have to do it. It’s the other half of the equation to staying healthy. The detox plan must also be able to remove fungus and other pathogens. You need to start drinking clean water from a trusted local source, either mineralized or distilled. I’ve been drinking distilled water religiously for almost two years now and love it. It’s a good way to flush the heavy metals from your body and reduce the toxic uptake.
A good way to determine your body’s toxicity is to get a ‘hair mineral trace analysis.’ The hair analysis just requires a section of hair be removed from your scalp to be sent to the lab. That section of hair has all the information the laboratory needs to determine 36 metals that can be present in the body. It’s a convenient and affordable way to find out what heavy metals are in the body, and what minerals minerals may be deficient.
A high protein mineral fatty-acid diet and drinking lots of fluid is critical in building detoxing agents. Fatty acids must be constantly replenished because deficiency leaves the nervous system vulnerable to fat-soluble metals. Taking metal-detoxing herbs is also key to restoring natural function.
where is all the public scrutiny /research on 5G impact on humans, all living organisms... or is it so profitable it just gets a free pass... saw one study on the impact of cell phone emissions on blood platelets that inspired me to relocate my charger and minimize usage...🐱🙏🐱
injectable gene modification thru misrepresentation = more serious than a crime
co2 & covid = flimsiest covers ever
there are actually many out there, but suppressed, of course. Two examples from my old 5G slide:
1. Goldstein (68) exposed rabbits for 5 minutes to 700-2.800 μW/cm2, 9.3 GHz, and found no EEG changes during the exposure period. Commencing about I0 minutes after exposure, however, there occurred an interval of decreased total integrated EEG that persisted for up to 15 minutes. The authors reported that the observed changes in the EEG resembled those induced by hallucinogenic drugs.
2. One of the American scientists who pioneered the study of EMF effects on the nervous system is Allen Frey; his work has included studies of the effects on evoked potentials (12.), behavior (17), and hearing phenomena (18). In 1975 Frey reported an increase in the permeability of the blood brain barrier (the selective process by which capillaries in the brain regulate transport of substances between the blood and the surrounding neuropil) of rats exposed to 2400 μW/cm2 (continuous) or 200 μW/cm2(pulsed) at 1.2 GHz (19). Frey found that dye injected into the bloodstream appeared in the brain of exposed animals, but not the control animals, and that the pulsed EMF was more effective than the continuous signal in opening the barrier, even though the average power level of the pulsed signal was only one-tenth that of the continuous signal. Frey's findings were confirmed and extended by Oscar and Hawkins in 1977 (20). They reported that continuous and pulsed EMFs both increased brain-tissue Permeability.. Effects were observed at average powers as low as 30 μW/cm2.
And here a link to the table with exposure limits in different countries:
It is another clear genocide perpetuated on us HUMANS, this time by telecommunications industry.
thank you... ugh 🐱
Robert F Kennedy Jr. sued the FCC against 5G with another group and last year they won.
The judge said to the companies to do their jod, to do more research. August 16, 2021
‘Historic Win’ by Children’s Health Defense in Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless
Did anything change?
5G was stopped at that time. I don't know if they are now back.
Unfortunately, it looks like they are, all over, and one can measure it with the right meter, in particular in CA capitol:
The same crime as with the covid injections, everyone knows they kill, but nothing is happening.
Take your laser ¨flashlight¨ and n... them. Where are the true patriots?
thank you.
Yes I’ll starting to get very concerned about 5G especially with my 5 year old. Do you have studies I can share with my husband?
forgot to add, one of the first most extensive collections of research and studies generally on all the higher frequency ranges, ending up with 5G and higher is the:
with one link to it from:
with more talks..
Yes, children are in particular affected due to their smaller body mass and higher water content of their bodies. I wrote one post about 5G for a start:
and coupled it to more at:
There are so many experts on 5G dangers, hard to list them all, but one special is Dr. Klinghardt:
I'll add more info on it as time allows. Thank you for your interest.
also chrck out
oh I know them for quite some time, but unfortunately have some very questionable issues with that group. I did send them quite few essential documents 95G, Spike bioinformatics), never any response.. When you have so much information as they have, and you continue calling covid injections 'vaccines', you know something is very wrong here.
thats good you shared info w them I trust them to date. i think some call it a vaccine fpr simplicity bcuz its harder to tell public especially those not wide awake and well informed on the truth of the matter re the cvid vax by calling it experimental gene therapy dangerous injection.... though its clearer to say so. i say we must be careful who we talk down and why because we are essentially on the same team fighting the same fight and someone may turn down a resource if s/o else says 'dont trust them' also i add probably if they knowyou personally that might help . they are working on lawsuits so the info you sent may be used without acknowledging it or maybe they have ot already i certainly dont know just a hard environment i know ppl who may not trust a source because of slander articles on the Internet which they don't realize are put there for the purpose of discrediting but are not necessarily true ( im referring to google results for example... oh let me research and find out the background of that person....hmmm... wrong search engine ... hello bias and censorship!) be blessed and thanks for your advocacy!!
Huhmm that’s very interesting.
when i have more time will look for the study that scared the bejesus in me
good starting point, straightforward discussion of detrimental physiological effects of 5G/emf on cell functions:
They don't even make this, the 2nd hurdle. The first: do I trust Bill gates, worldwide Coordinated plan (ie, communistic), scientists being silenced....
And yes, 2nd hurdle... it's not a vaccine. It's a DEATHVAX
The Bluetooth Challenge Explained. Why Covid Vaxxed People are Emitting Bluetooth Codes and How You Can See it For Yourself.
¨In this post Hope and Tivon discuss the Bluetooth challenge in great detail to try to explain how human beings who have received the COVID injections are now emitting Bluetooth codes or anonymous IP addresses that you can see using your phone.¨ Read More. Video 1:33 min
this link contains also some information, from Dr Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna
I think it was an italian Dr. De Benito who performed the experiments on his ~120 patients and discovered the MAC addresses emitted by the injected only:
yes, this entire topic of covid injections requires a team a multi-specialists, in order to understand what is it all about..
It's about Genocide and Transhumanist.
wow I have to re read this several times!
thank you and if you like it, while being convinced, please share with others. If all people start changing their language away from the FDA redefinitions, nobody will get injected with any of the toxic, long time ago planned covid 'products'...