Why covid injections are NOT vaccines, the importance of pseudouridine and editing of the human genome.
Update 7/12/2023: Dr. Mercola’s article: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/07/12/mrna-covid-vaccines-gene-therapy.aspx
Let’s hope, many people know this story already:
about the ‘World Health Summit’ presentation with Stefan Oelrich (BAYER AG, today with Monsanto…) talk starting at ~1:29:00 at:
implying that, if people just knew that in ‘covid emergency’ they undergo gene therapy via chemicals with the new description as covid ‘vaccines’, they would never even remotely consider allowing to inject themselves. A check of the very same talk at the above link on the 27th of June 2023 reveals a cut at that time I indicated. There is only one reason for that, Youtube must have manipulated that video!!! Luckily another sub-stacker ‘Transcriber B’s Substack’ provided a new link:
This summary is about basics in what is known in biology about genetic material, which is information, a recipe to continue building the body everyone got with the same pair of genes from both parents, in every cell, from the conception to the moment of death, now with a new ‘decisionmaker and stakeholder’, the gene for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein^1, ^1a.
The difference between RNA and DNA is in its sugar, with just one oxygen molecule difference between ribose (in RNA) and deoxyribose (in DNA, deoxygenated ribose), and in just one base, from the 3 bases in RNA and DNA being identical (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine), except for the Uridine in RNA, replaced with Thymine in DNA
What the Pfizer injections BNT162B2 contain are strings of a following genetic code:
with Uridine (U) being REPLACED by N1-methylpseudouridine (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.1c00197 a publication titled “Modifications in an Emergency: The Role of N1-Methylpseudouridine in COVID-19 Vaccines“), as reported in Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA patents and countless other publications. The difference between the natural uridine and its new synthetic genetic building block, incorporated in all mod mRNA covid injections, is HUGE:
Every of these bases, along the DNA/RNA chains, has a structure of an aromatic ring absorbing light of ~<260nm (UV-C, ~>5nm)^2:
The rings usually stack on top of each other, sharing their electrons among the rings while interacting with the UV light. Every base is connected to the outer NEGATIVELY CHARGED phosphate group, giving both RNA and DNA its strong negatively charged character. The amount of LIGHT AND CHARGE in these nucleotides, light propagating inside, from base to base, and the charge outside in form of the strings of phosphates, together representing the genetic material, surpasses anything what any protein can have. And yet, it is a protein, DNA polymerase, which duplicates DNA strings. When you take the electric dipole moment of that polymerase, a dimer with a ring structure, and overlap it with the newly synthesized DNA string(all from crystallographic data in Pdb Data Bank), you will be astonished to see these 2 vectors are parallel, completely aligned to each other in 3D space, as if the dimeric DNA polymerase protein structure, knew in advance, where to place the DNA. Now ask the evolutionist about the timing of the egg/chicken problem.
RNA polymerase translates the code of the DNA, while using RNA building blocks consisting of very similar blocks of GENETIC material, it is a genetic COPY of the original information to encode all proteins, it is COMPLEMENTARY in its code and interaction with DNA, and it is responsible for the final SHAPE and CONTENT of every protein in our bodies, and thus for their final function. That translation process RNA→PROTEIN is accompanied outside if the nucleus in huge protein+RNA complexes called ribosomes, which in turn are accompanied by >1000 of other proteins, small molecules, amino acids, ATP’s, minerals like Mg+2, water, all sensitive to electromagnetic radiation^3, among many other factors.
The covid injections containing the pure synthetic genetic material, among others, delivering that synthetic modified messenger RNA into all types of cells which got penetrated by the nanolipids, including the specific cells types within a human body (monocytes and DENDRITIC cells), makes it equivalent with the existence of a SYNTHETIC DNA gene, which would produce that modified mRNA^4, and which in reality DOES NOT EXIST in nature. That new INFORMATION hijacking now every accessible cell (thanks to the properly charged lipid nanoparticles penetrating any cell membranes, not only the ones normally infected by external pathogen), literally reprograms that cell to divert from human functions to now produce a NON-HUMAN synthetic toxin called Spike, by sharing the above mentioned building blocks, which were ment for HUMAN functions, and not for Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA PATENTED gene modification therapies. That reprogramming using the synthetic genetic RNA material coding for the Spike is called by Mod-E-RNA ‘the software of life”:
it has deep consequences for the entire body. Normally the uridine (U) portion (exactly the one major difference between RNA and DNA..) is the one which decides about the destruction of the foreign mRNA string, i.e. about its short half-life and about the first step in immune response. The 1-methyl-pseudouridine^5 with the prolonged lifetime of the entire mRNA string (spike in the injections), not recognized by the immune system thus being the Trojan horse here, is making sure that its translation by ribosome happens with higher capacity (multiple times), thus more spikes are being created. A quote about pseudouridine from the last citation should wake up everyone:
“Besides its function in mediating nonsense-to-sense codon conversion by ribosomes [6], pseudouridylation could also introduce post-transcriptional genetic recoding, thus diversifying the proteome.“
Even more worrisome are the other properties of that synthetic nucleotide, replacing inside of the already not natural, because PATENTED Spike sequence every single Uridine, with a methylated pseudo-form of it:
That excellent article points to that one terrifying scenario, GENE EDITING of the HUMAN GENOME, via the simple universally applied covid ‘vaccine’.
To literally rebuild the human body with synthetics, is a CRIME beyond human perception, and thus to call covid injections a ‘vaccine’ is a very deep misinformation, based on taking away the informed consent from any uneducated person considering ‘taking’ the covid19 GENE THERAPY, without knowing the facts.
One also has to realize, all synthetic genetic materials are PATENTED, and their applications limitless, ^7,^8,^9.
Just to add a new hint, of what the genetically encoded Spike (repeatedly produced INSIDE every targeted cell, in order to access its surface from INSIDE, NOT OUTSIDE like normal infection agent would do, while everything from inside should be YOUR GENES, not pfizers or moderna, designed by the Silicon Valley DNA2.0 company!), might have to do with the Homo sapiens RNA-binding protein FUS, P35637 uniprot code. That protein is incredible, here its functions:
1. DNA/RNA-binding protein that plays a role in various cellular processes such as transcription regulation, RNA splicing, RNA transport, DNA repair and damage response (PubMed:27731383). 2. Binds to nascent pre-mRNAs and acts as a molecular mediator between RNA polymerase II and U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein thereby coupling transcription and splicing (PubMed:26124092). 3. Binds also its own pre-mRNA and autoregulates its expression; this autoregulation mechanism is mediated by non-sense-mediated decay (PubMed:24204307). 4. Plays a role in DNA repair mechanisms by promoting D-loop formation and homologous recombination during DNA double-strand break repair (PubMed:10567410). 5. In neuronal cells, plays crucial roles in dendritic spine formation and stability, RNA transport, mRNA stability and synaptic homeostasis (By similarity).
That role no 5 is incredibly important since it links to the huge amount of glycine residues in it, single glycine amino acid being also the human inhibiting neurotransmitter. Default BLAST search for similarities between that protein and SARS-CoV-2 Spike gives ‘NO similarities found’. Change the search parameters and forget about the score, what counts are the real similarities as seen by your God given human eye, for example:
NQ+NS SS G Q+ + +SS G+ N S
Query 203 GGSGGYGQQDRGGRGRGGS 221 FUS/RNA binding protein
Sbjct 985 DKVEAEVQIDRLITGRLQS 1003 Spike from covid inje.
QSYG PT G GY QPY S Identities
Sbjct 443 SKVGGNYNYLYRLFR 457 Spike
Query 258 DRGGFN 263 FUS
Sbjct 796 DFGGFN 801 Spike
Sbjct 253 DSSSGWTAGAAA 264 Spike
Sbjct 493 QSYGFQ----PTNGVGYQ 506 Spike
Sbjct 493 QSYG-F--QPTNGVGY-----QPY 508 SPIKE
Sbjct 494 SYGFQPTNGVGY--QP 507 Spike
There are repeats in the FUS which align with the same section of Spike.
Overall the BLAST indicates only ~25% of identities in all the automatically found pieces, but please remember, every single amino acid, every dimer, trimer counts. This protein is connected with , quote:
“ Tremor, hereditary essential 4 (ETM4)1 Publication
The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
Disease description: A common movement disorder mainly characterized by postural tremor of the arms. Head, legs, trunk, voice, jaw, and facial muscles also may be involved. The condition can be aggravated by emotions, hunger, fatigue and temperature extremes, and may cause a functional disability or even incapacitation. Inheritance is autosomal dominant.”
I’m not saying this is the reason for what we see with the injection victims, BUT since the production by your ribosomes of every single Spike steals ~80 glycines from your body, your body will need to decide what to build first, FUS or the Spike! Actually, it was the politicians, scientists and pharma cartel, who already decided for you, by their illegal and thus criminal mandates of gene therapies!
Dr. Seneff in one of her SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccines’ publications^10 mentions APP a prion protein, also glycine rich, related to Parkinson, uniprot code P10279, with, quote: “a spectacular sequence of ten GxxxGs in a row” of the GxxxG motifs. Looking by eye, I see only seven actually, for that Bos taurus (bovine) major prion protein. Further Dr. Seneff*** writes, quote:
“When considering that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and that it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence (see uniprot.org/uniprot/P0DTC2), it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion.“
The uniprot P0DTC2 entry is identical with the NIH YP_009724390.1 entry, with which I’m doing all the analysis with, for >2 years, and what I see there, looking by eye, there are actually NOT FIVE BUT SEVEN GxxxG motifs in the Spike: GWIFG, GWTAG, GCLIG, GDCLG, GWTFG, GDISG, GFIAG. One of these motifs is in the widely known special portion of the Spike everyone got (via the injections), the motif:
The perversion in all the ‘science’ using words (which have a biblical meaning too!) is ASTRONOMICAL, and it would start with something so benign as the sexAI promoter in the SV40, possibly present in all old styles real vaccines, contaminated with this virus^11!
To close this post on GENE THERAPIES applied without human consent, here a summary of new FDA guidelines on “HUMAN GENE Therapy Products Incorporating Human Genome EDITING*:
The Stew Peters Show with Dr. Jane Ruby about FDA’s Premeditated Plan for Gene Editing. Last but not least point of concern is the NIH 2016 filed patent WO/2017/059241 for “LENTIVIRAL PROTEIN DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR RNA-GUIDED GENOME EDITING“. The first sentence of the abstract states, quote:
“The invention is directed to a system comprising a lentivirus vector particle which encodes a guide RNA sequence that is complementary to a first DNA sequence in a host cell genome, a Cas9 protein, and optionally a donor nucleic acid molecule comprising a second DNA sequence. The invention also is directed to a method of altering a DNA sequence in a host cell using such a system, where the host cell can be in a human and the altered DNA can be of the human β-globin gene. The invention also is directed to a fusion protein comprising a Cas9 protein and a cyclophilin A (CypA) protein. The invention also is directed to sequences of vectors that can be used in the system and method.”
The next post will be about some bioinformatics results comparing the universally injected covid Spike with the above mentioned NIH ‘targets’, h-beta-globulin (the no 1 ingredient in human BLOOD TESTS) and CypA. When reversing (EXPASY tool) the genetic code of the Spike and searching for PATENTED sequences, one gets again, lot of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines patents(!?, why these patents have both forward and reverse sequences of the pathogens?) and already the: ”Measles virus vaccine expressing SARS-COV-2 protein(s)” Patent: US 11103576-B1 22 31-AUG-2021; University of Pittsburgh. And even more strange, when looking for HUMAN proteins similar to the reversed Spike C-terminal portion one gets >17 nucleotides long IDENTITIES (which is the minimum for CRISP/Cas9 guide RNA…) for:
-Homo sapiens WD repeat domain 59 (WDR59) (mTORC1 signalling pathway)
-Homo sapiens metallo-beta-lactamase domain
-Homo sapiens STEAP4 metalloreductase
-Homo sapiens RAS guanyl releasing protein
- Homo sapiens NFKB repressing factor (NKRF)
and more. Unfortunately NIH does not give any information about their patented guide RNA sequences. What is equally important, their two patent citations from the MIT (well known for the ‘supportive’ Jeffrey Epstein money) BROAD INSTITUTE for:
1.US8697359B1 2012-12-12 2014-04-15 The Broad Institute, Inc. CRISPR-Cas systems and methods for altering expression of gene products.
Update, 31st March 2021: with announcement from NIH at:
and the goal of that T2T consortium, in somehwat strange language, quote: ”Researchers from the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium have generated an assembly of a complete human reference genome that could lead to better variant calling in the clinic and inform new studies of cell biology.”
the question is, where did they get all the human genomes? From covid PCR-tests???
And don’t we have already mountains of diseases related to new neuronal disorder called demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) suddenly appearing AFTER THE GENETICALLY MODIFYING ILLEGALLY introduced covid19 INJECTIONS? Here the solution by those, who forced everyone to get injected, new announcement on genomeweb:
with a quote from the above page :
”Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Prime, which launched last year with $315 million in financing, is developing a prime editing technology designed to replace disease-causing mutations within the genome without causing the double-strand breaks associated with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing.
Myeloid's RetroT technology involves the delivery of genetic sequences and integration enzymes in a single mRNA strand.
Under the terms of the companies' deal, Prime will work with Myeloid to optimize the technology for use in multiple cell types, increase its efficiency, and expand its programmability so that it can be directed to prespecified target sites within the genome. The work, Myeloid said, may enable the delivery of gene-sized pieces of DNA into the genome to correct disease-causing genetic errors that cannot be targeted with existing gene editing technologies.”
And just last edition for today, also from genomeweb in an article provocatively titled: “BillionToOne Raises $125M in Series C Funding Round“ with a quote:
“Molecular diagnostics company BillionToOne said on Wednesday that it has closed an oversubscribed Series C funding round in which it raised $125 million.
BillionToOne plans to use the new funding to expand its commercial and clinical teams, scale up lab capacity, and conduct clinical studies of its Unity Screen prenatal liquid biopsy test, which it launched two years ago.”
That launch was around May 2019, just on time to have a reference for the coming ‘covid opportunity’.
"Our prenatal test is solving a critical unmet medical need," Oguzhan Atay, cofounder and CEO of BillionToOne, said in a statement. "We continue to grow at an incredible rate, and we are building out an ever-increasing set of larger laboratory facilities. The current funding will be used to support our prenatal test growth while launching our differentiated liquid biopsy test that will transform oncology care."
Is that suppose to be a part of that billion to one REDUCTION in human population?
Just a thought. And what else is to be expected from the gene harvesting and analysis? Karen Miga, an investigator at the University of California, Santa Cruz:
“added that this extends to medically relevant genes such as those involved in profound hearing loss and muscle paralysis. The consortium, she noted, is working with the Genome Reference Consortium to do rapid updates to these medically relevant genes.“
As always John Hopkins is always around:
“A UCSC and Johns Hopkins-led team focused on DNA methylation profiles, DNA accessibility, chromatin immunoprecipitation sequence mapping, and other epigenetic features found across the T2T-CHM13 assembly, including maps covering some 32.3 million CpG methylation sites.“
The future is written on the walls, the sick presence is being played right now in injected human bodies so WHEN the people will stand up and STOP THIS CRIME???
Any comments, corrections or suggestions, are highly appreciated.
1. “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line“ Markus Aldén et al, Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2022, 44, 1115–1126
1a. Liguo Zhang et al. “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 May 25;118(21) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33958444/
“The UV absorption of nucleobases: semi-classical ab initiospectra simulation”.
M. Barbatti et al., J. Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. Issue 19, 2010.
“Is it possible to predict electromagnetic resonances in proteins, DNA and RNA?“ I. Cosic et al., EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics (2015) 3:5.
article titled: “MODIFIED RNA HAS A DIRECT EFFECT ON DNA.“ https://phys.org/news/2022-03-rna-mammalian-cell-nucleus-reveals.html
“Pseudouridine in a new era of RNA modifications” Boxuan Simen Zhao, Chuan He in Cell Research (2015) 25:153-154.
and “Incorporation of Pseudouridine Into mRNA Yields Superior
Nonimmunogenic Vector With Increased Translational Capacity and Biological Stability” by K. Kariko in Mol Ther. 2008 November ; 16(11): 1833–1840.Karijolich J, Yu YT. Nature 2011; 474:395-398.
“Synthetic mRNAs: Powerful Tools for Reprogramming and Differentiation of Human Cells“ A. Rossa & A.H. Brivalou, Cell Stemm Cell 7. Nov5, 2010, p.549
“Highly Efficient Reprogramming to Pluripotency and Directed Differentiation
of Human Cells with Synthetic Modified mRNA“ L. Warren et al., Cell Stem Cell 7, p. 618, Nov 5 2010.“Efficient Generation of Human iPSCs by a Synthetic Self-Replicative RNA” Cell Stem Cell 13, p. 246, Aug 1 2013.
“Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19“ S. Seneff & G. Nigh, Int. J. Vacc. Theory Practice and Research, 2(1), May 10, 2021.
*** Dr. Seneff was interviewed by Del Bigtree in his Highwire show on the 21st of Apr 2021. Now she talks about SEVEN CxxxC motifs in the SARS-CoV-2 spike… Did she do the recount once again, if so why is the paper talking about 5 motifs??? If she learned the counting mistake from this page, then she should have acknowledged that, which she didn’t.
The missing puzzle piece when discussing the effects of heavy metal toxicity in the body is high frequency electromagnetic radiation (also known as electromagnetic frequencies/fields, or EMFs). In combination with wireless technology, heavy metal toxicity is a very dangerous mix; when you are metal toxic, the body essentially becomes like an antenna to these lethal frequencies – lethal because these signals can change the body’s DNA over time (other forms of radiation change the DNA more quickly.)
When one considers the numerous ways we take on heavy metals from the environment, unless you are already on a heavy metal detox regimen, chances are you are toxic.
Geoengineering is a global phenomenon and the aerosols (chemtrails) are known to contain numerous heavy metals. There’s also metals in the water and food. Illnesses are exacerbated by the heavy metals. The most conservative estimates are that the chemtrail phenomenon started globally in the mid-1990s. So, if you are in your mid-20s or older you have accumulated decades worth of trace heavy metals in your tissues. This is an example of slow bio-accumulation from the environment. Heavy metals alone have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Studies of particulates found in atmospheric aerosol spraying has found the following substances; aluminum, barium, strontium, mercury, lead, fluoride, etc. These contaminates lodge in your brain, bones, skin and central nervous system.
You must detox your body of heavy metals! You simply have to do it. It’s the other half of the equation to staying healthy. The detox plan must also be able to remove fungus and other pathogens. You need to start drinking clean water from a trusted local source, either mineralized or distilled. I’ve been drinking distilled water religiously for almost two years now and love it. It’s a good way to flush the heavy metals from your body and reduce the toxic uptake.
A good way to determine your body’s toxicity is to get a ‘hair mineral trace analysis.’ The hair analysis just requires a section of hair be removed from your scalp to be sent to the lab. That section of hair has all the information the laboratory needs to determine 36 metals that can be present in the body. It’s a convenient and affordable way to find out what heavy metals are in the body, and what minerals minerals may be deficient.
A high protein mineral fatty-acid diet and drinking lots of fluid is critical in building detoxing agents. Fatty acids must be constantly replenished because deficiency leaves the nervous system vulnerable to fat-soluble metals. Taking metal-detoxing herbs is also key to restoring natural function.
where is all the public scrutiny /research on 5G impact on humans, all living organisms... or is it so profitable it just gets a free pass... saw one study on the impact of cell phone emissions on blood platelets that inspired me to relocate my charger and minimize usage...🐱🙏🐱
injectable gene modification thru misrepresentation = more serious than a crime
co2 & covid = flimsiest covers ever