***2 Update 9/25/2022: a conversation with an MD’s pointing to essential issues of covid: BLOOD CLOTTING (at the end of this post)
*** urgent update at the bottom of this post, 4/6/2022.
another Urgent update 4/15/2022: blood changes seen recently in the population by Philippe van Welbergen D.Hom.Med MSc DHPh CLS MASLMS MHMA(UK) :
**** informational update: ACU2020 talk by Vivane Fischer with Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht at https://odysee.com/@Corona-Ausschuss:3/Ad-hoc-23-Hecht:f
*****5/20/2022 addition about model of vibrational modes of the Coronavirus.
7/20/2022: La Quinta Columna presents an update at:
in which the No 1 suspect in the vaccine mind control programs is a well known 38 years old scientist https://unlab.tech/team_members/josep-miquel-jornet/
who just recently got FCC approval for 1050 GHz transmission station in Buffalo https://apps.fcc.gov/els/GetAtt.html?id=204031&x=
8/3/2022 : The very serious matter in a fun way at https://www.brighteon.com/a07f1fd6-962f-4ff2-bf95-6253b890879c
8/8/2022 : First report about Israel’s Wizemann Institute of Science’s ‘SYNTHETIC EMBRYO’
the very same place which has the most sophisticated research program on 5G, dipole moments of biological molecules, mentioned below AND the best expert in the world on the atomic models of RIBOSOME STRUCTURE: https://www.weizmann.ac.il/csb/faculty_pages/Yonath/home.html
Yes, the very same molecule, which is being HACKED by every single synthetic mRNA gene modification procedure, falsely called covid ‘vaccine’, injected into completely clueless VICTIMS, now dying in masses, across the entire world.
The death of the human body is based on 2 electrophysiological signals stemming from brain and heart, known as EEG or EKG, according to the modern medicine. According to the late Dr. Andreas Noack, who suddenly died after explaining the lethal effects of graphene hydroxide in the covid injections:
the heart is not a pump, it is a battery, which alone due to the existence of the EKG signals, is partly a very well grounded statement, shared also with the very well known heart specialist Dr. Tom Cowan. In 2020 it was Dr. Cowan, who came out with his theory of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) affecting every big pandemic, even the one in 1918. The field which is connected to these theories, is called electromedicine, it existed already for a very long time, with the official father of that discipline, the late Dr. Robert O. Becker (his books “The body electric” and “Cross Currents. The perils of electropollution. The promise of electromedicine”). The official science became so compart-mentalized that the overlap between physics, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics in these days published articles, is almost non-existent. The result of it is that a physicist knows nothing about his/her own body, biologist can’t explain how heart works, and the chemist or geneticist who develop deadly chemicals, including vaccines or redesign the nature, just don’t care at all*. There is one common overlap between them all though, and that is money.
Every single protein from the human body is surrounded by multiple layers of water, a fact confirmed in many studies performed on the functions of those proteins. The ABSOPRTION spectra of air in the GHz range, is available at: https://www.phys.hawaii.edu/~anita/new/papers/militaryHandbook/rf_absor.pdf showing that the GHz waves absorbed mainly by hydrogen, oxygen and water, show very small attenuation when crossing the atmosphere:
The same frequency in microwave oven bringing the water to boil within short time, is a proof of the 2.4G wave absorption. The higher the frequency the stronger the rotational modes of H2o movements. Imagine that water is now needed for every single hydrolase action out there, to perform certain enzymatic reaction, each using water.
For the hydrolase family of proteins exposed to GHz range, a change in enzymatic activity^13, ^14 can be found, for example.
Every flow of information or energy, whether in human body, in nature or man made devices is, as far as we know, based on currents of electric charges, electromagnetic fields, which include LIGHT, which surrounds and interacts with these charges. Whereby these charges too (elementary particles, electrons in particular included), when in motion, generate light. Every socket in your home is full of charges, for which you are also charged, the ugly money;(
This note is about dipole moments (spacial distribution of charges stemming from charged protein amino acids Arg, Lys, His, Glu, Aps) in the synthetic SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, made by humans and analyzed with the support of AI’s**. The very same charges in natural building blocks of our human body, which allow us to do what we love, and are already for long time disturbed by the presence of man-made electromagnetic fields, including wi-fi, is now influenced by the new charged rival, the Spike, genome of which is being universally injected into clueless citizens.
There are 2 publications^1, ^2 about the connection between the covid19 disease and the introduction of the 5G networks across the entire globe. The 2020 publication was retracted very soon after its first appearance on PubMed (very complicated theory combining thermodynamics and electromagnetics), the second, still available, concludes, that covid19 disease symptoms are mimicking wireless radiation exposure effects, which include: blood changes, oxidative stress, immune system disruption effects, changed ionic membrane flow via voltage gated channels, and lastly cardiac effects. There is also a not insignificant amount of ‘covid19’ PubMed publications which indicate involvement of electrostatic effects in the SARS-CoV-2 infection process, with some listed below^3, ^4, ^5, and many more. Most of these publications talk about the involvement of the so called salt bridges in the Spike-ACE2 receptor binding process, and thus ‘covid19 infection initiation’. The salt bridges always involve a chemical bond between two oppositely charged amino acids, for example Arg-Glu, Lys-Glu, His-Asp, etc. The chemical structure of all amino acids, including the charged ones (green box has the positive ones, the violet the negative) is shown below:
The spacial distribution of the electrically charged K,R,H,D,E amino acids for every single protein, consisting of those 20 basic amino acids, is always connected with its total DIPOLE MOMENT, electric vector entity known in physics as a measure of the system's overall polarity. That feature was investigated for example in ^6, with the final statement, quote: “Changes in the structural conformation of proteins under EF are driven by reorientation of electric dipoles.“ and further “Mutants of the RBD corresponding to the variants of concern B.1.1.7 (UK), B.1.351 (South Africa) and P.1 (Brazil) are also irreversibly damaged by electric fields.“ Maxwell’s equations and derivatives thereof, imply the force on an electric rigid dipole moment p equal to^11:
N = p x E , whereby the N is the torque and E stands for the vector of the external electric field surrounding the dipole.
Proteins are by far not that charged as DNA/RNA is with the phosphate group contributing to a negative charge for its every single base segment, nevertheless their charges are essential for their function, for example s.c. charge-relay-system is part of all digestive enzymes which take apart our bodies. So how does the dipole of the SARS-Cov-2 100% synthetic Spike (in all the covid injections) look like? The scheme of the spike below is taken out of ^7 (one of the few publications mentioning Vit C or ivermectin as a covid19 treatment!) and the picture below illustrates the Spike trimer (pdb coordinates from 7r13: ALPHA VARIANT SARS-COV-2 SPIKE IN CLOSED CONFORMATION) with its dipole calculated by a Protein Dipole Moment Server from Weizmann Institute of science (very much involved in 5G technology, and the only one which has that software) package
How does the dipole looks like when one adds the 2 RBD to it? Here the dipole for the pdb coordinates 7r15, as generated from all the charged residues in Spike:
You see it starts to tilt, due to positional changes in the distribution of the charged amino acid residues. The dipole in Debye units for the 7r13 is 7261, for the 7r15 is 7978. When you add the cleaving furin to the Spike (pdb code 7r1a) the server spills out the opposite direction of the dipole, a flip. Now the dipole value jumps to 11143 and the quadrapole (another vector defined by the charge distribution) by 2.5 times more, to 482944. How small these values are for a single spike shows the picture below with 1635 for the dipole and 17981 for the quadrapole.
These p values (dipole moments) are calculated for the 3003 residues in the Spike trimer (not sure why the server doesn’t accept the 3x1273 spike residues..), and how would that compare to an average large bacterial protein, for example HslUV proteasome-like complex with almost double the amount of resiues 5919? The dipole shown below according to the israeli server is 4014, and the quadrapole of 23345 :
The synthetic SARS-CoV-2 spike is indeed a carefully designed sword. A very interesting work described in J. Mech. Phys. Solids 150 (2021) 104369 titled “Effect of receptors on the resonant and transient harmonic vibrations of Coronavirus” by an MIT researcher Dr. Tomasz Wierzbick, takes a mechanistic approach to calculate the vibrational modes of the Spike distributed on the viral surface. Depending on the Spike position relative to the viral surface, different frequency ranges in MHz range accompany that particular motion. The ranges for a single spike revealed in his calculations are anywhere between 111MHz and 1225 MHz, i.e. 1.225GHz! The entire shell filled with Spikes resonates at half of that or lower frequencies, going through a vibrational mode which might lead to breakdown of the viral sphere at its resonance frequency. For a wineglass that break resonance is in ultrasound range of ~620Hz, for an invisible coronavirus, according to his calculations, it would be around ~25-50MHz, and that within fraction of microseconds. This is a great paper, with few essential errors though, which are acceptable given little to no macromolecular knowledge by physicists. The completely wrong statements in that free available paper at:
1. “The acquired immunity provided by the vaccine recently developed by Pfizer and Moderna would be an ideal solution to fight SARS-CoV-02.” ( a lie perpetuated by CDC/FDA/NIH/NIAID etc.)
2.Fig 3. talks about virus while showing just the Spike on the surface with its receptor. For a virus they use the 3D MODEL off spike-decorated Influenza A virus from 2D photographs. That’s because THERE IS NO official experimental atomic model of the entire SARS-CoV-2 in PDB data bank…. With the essential error in point 1., let’s just hope the reseracher is still alive today, after his covid gene therapy… It would be too bad to loose such a talented specialist.
The main point of this note is to remind everyone, that according to the basic known laws in physics, every single charged entity will be affected by the external EMFs field. Since every of the proteins, no matter the origin is surrounded by water, salts, etc. these will affect those interactions. For microwave and millimeter range waves the effects were known for decades, described for example in ^8,^9, ^10, whereby the effects on blood of these waves, alone due to the presence of Fe+2, Fe+3, and their strong magnetic dipole, are extremely important.
The interaction of graphene with proteins and genetic material was investigated ever since its discovery. The explosion of graphene applications, all related to its superior electric and thermal properties is on one side, looking at its human body effects (that’s why death of Dr. A. Noack) terrifying:
Insider interview: Graphene & nanotechnology turn humans into robots!”
and on the other side, when taking its material properties into account, used as TOOLS FOR HUMANS, very useful. It all is in the hands of humanity! The current ‘covid19’ changes in scientific applications in regard to human health, brought by the synthetic highly charged modified mRNA genetic material, currently universally applied, should have been treated with high degree of skepticism, in particular when taken into account the known basic physics laws and how they apply to all biomolecular photoswitches, filling up and driving the action of our human bodies.^12
Fioranelli et al. J. Biol. Regulators & Homeostatic agents. Vol 34. no 4, 2020
"5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells" (retracted)
Beverly Rubik, Robert R. Brown Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2021; 7(5): 666-681. “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.”
Piotr H. Pawłowski. (2021.) “Charged amino acids may promote coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 fusion with the host cell”. [J]. AIMS Biophysics.
S. Pascarella et al. (2021) “The electrostatic potential of the Omicron variant spike is higher than in Delta and Delta-plus variants: A hint to higher transmissibility?“ J.Med. Virol. Vol 94, Iss.4, p.1277-1280.
M. Luisetto et al. “Coronavirus COVID-19 surface properties: Electrical charges status” Int J Clin Microbiol Biochem Technol. 2021; 4: 016-027.
C. R. Arbeitman et al. “The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is vulnerable to moderate electric fields“ Nat. Comm. 12, artcile 5407
Rameswari Chilamakuri and Saurabh Agarwal “COVID-19: Characteristics and Therapeutics”. Cells. 2021 Feb; 10(2): 206.
Zalyubovskaya NP. Biological Effect of Millimeter Radiowaves. Vrachebnoye Delo 1977;3:116-9.
Zalyubovskaya NP, Kiselev RI. Effects of Radio Waves of a Millimeter Frequency Range on the Body of Man and Animals. Gigiyna I Sanitaria 1978;8:35-9.
Shandala MG et al. “Immunological and hematological effects of microwaves at low power densities.” In: Proceedings of International Union of Radio Science Symposium on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves Vol. 84. Airlie, VA; 1977.
James Baker-Jarvis and Sung Kim “The Interaction of Radio-Frequency Fields
With Dielectric Materials at Macroscopic to Mesoscopic Scales” Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Vol. 117 (2012)* a truly monster work reported at https://phys.org/news/2022-04-artificial-organelles-based-hybrid-protein.html done by https://www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/suzanne-timmermans/
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8591629/ Jana Volarić et al. “Molecular photoswitches in aqueous environments” Chem Soc Rev. 2021 Nov 15; 50(22): 12377–12449.
** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7982270/
and also
6th of Apr 2022 post by
also more on the existing organizations like:
with the latter being the one who co-designed the MOD-E-RNA Spike sequence, according to their 2020 patent US 10,702,600 B1 for “BETACORONAVIRUS MRNA VACCINE“.
*** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Todd Callender’s interview at https://principia-scientific.com/atty-todd-callender-interviewed-by-corona-investigative-committee/
indicates that ~18Ghz frequency ranges of certain nanomaterials which were/are embedded into the covid injections, will activate certain parts of the synthetic genetic machinery in the covid injected human bodies, followed by the symptoms of the hemorrhagic fever. Amazon's SpaceX-rivaling internet service Project Kuiper has made a major leap toward becoming operational and catching up with SpaceX's Starlink. What’s their emission range? https://www.space.com/amazon-kuiper-satellite-constellation-fcc-approval.html
report, quote: The constellation would rely on three frequency ranges: 17.7 to 18.6 GHz, 18.8 to 20.2 Ghz and 27.5 to 30.0 GHz, all of which are in the so-called Ka-band of frequencies. Service could begin once just 578 satellites are in orbit.
also:”The proposed constellation includes 3,236 satellites at altitudes of roughly 365 miles, 380 miles and 390 miles (590 kilometers, 610 km and 630 km). Kuiper would serve customers between 56 degrees north (the horizontal line passing through Alaska, Canada and Scotland) and 56 degrees south (cutting off only Antarctica), the FCC documents show.”
Everybody please remember, Amazon is CIA!!!! And who the hell is in Antarctica, who shall be spared from the lethal radiation???
***2 25th Sep 2022:
Sudden death, according to some MD’s, has two indicators, stopped breathing and heart function disturbance. Taken the two, one would need to ask: what is first the breath or heart beat? When a child is born (with beating heart of course), there is sometimes necessity to apply a physical move in order to get the first breath, implying the properly working heart proceeds the breath. Given, that the heart is actually a battery, not a pump, now one would need to ask, where that charge related to proper heart function comes from??? Prof. Pollack is working for LONG time on an issue called "The 4th Phase of WATER", in which water itself is generating a CHARGE when facing surface with particular properties, like blood capillaries. The so much criticized Dr. A. Cowan speaks about it partly in his book 'Human Heart, Cosmic Heart'. So when water (thus charge) disturbance happens? Water will get dissociated with application of specific MICROWAVES^1! What else the in particular 60GHz radiation (water absorbs it all, but this one is special) does?? It is ABSORBED by the OXYGEN atom, not only in the water, but ANY O2 (also the free in the lungs!!!) Change ONE chemical bond and you will change the outcome, possibly very fast.
If the synthetic genetic material in form of modified mRNA is SO INNOCENT, why is that Dr. Tenpenny for example:
speaks about IMMEDIATE DEATH following the injections?????
Last but not least, PLEASE read the 1913 nobel prize lecture about anaphylactic shock, which applies to ALL vaccines and in particular GENE THERAPIES!!!
1. Dissociation of water by microwave radiation. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics volume 37, pages 85–88 (1994)
An Answer by an MD:
#1 I essentially believe in Cowan's model of the heart (I alluded to part of it in the previous part of this series) although I also believe it is incomplete.
#2 The model I put forward was pretty simple. Blood sludging causes cause central apnea which eventually can progress to respiratory arrest and death.
#3 I did explain how blood sludging can cause rapid deaths here.
#4 Microwave radiation's effects on water have been an area I frequently study, but I don't see how they are applicable to this specific issue.
My answer: 1-3 are following processes to what happens after O2->CO2 exchange, which is the basics for every breath. What if there is no exchange, because hemoglobin binds ONLY molecular oxygen, i.e. O2 and NOT single oxygen atoms? How long can brain stand the lack of oxygen? 3 minutes? Do you know anything about direct energy weapons? Their effect is pretty much 'sudden death'. I'm not saying that's related to the covid gene therapies, just pointing to other options in addition to blood thickening, or actually the real cause of it all, blood vessel damage, caused by the spike from INSIDE OF THE BLOOD VESSELS, like punching holes, according to Dr. Bhakdi. ANY physical wound, initiates blood coagulation, that's the 'simulation' here, in my opinion, valid in particular by the known fact, that Spike is membrane bound protein.
Literature continued.
MarinaPorcelli et al. “Non-thermal effects of microwaves on proteins: thermophilic enzymes as model system“ FEBS LettersVolume 402, Issues 2–3, 27 January 1997, Pages 102-106 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014579396015050
Yuri Shamis et al. “Influence of 18GHz microwave radiation on the enzymatic activity of Escherichia coli lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase“ Journal of physical science and application, 2012, 2 (6),143-151.
I'm going to read this a few times-- lots to "take in." THANK YOU. ^_^
thank you for providing us with the analysis tying the two together.
incredibly irresponsible.