probably why they insist on the military injections... they don’t want anyone second guessing their orders due to the intrusion of feelings of humanity.

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'they insist' it on everyone, now even small children. 'They' do not wish to have loving human hearts on this planet, that's why I call 'them' the cold bloody DEATH CULT.

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praying for the kids... all 50 states except FL preordered kids’ version before approved so there will be a campaign this fall.

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where do you have that one from? that means this entire country is a complete criminal fraud, except for FL?

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FL surgeon general had a lame excuse for not pre-ordering to the effect of ‘paperwork’ so i don’t even trust them.

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got it from multiple sources in June ... just searched it again now & NY Times confirmation came up.

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thank you, don't know any more what to say...

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MejBCart, thanks again for answering my first 7 questions at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts/comments

I had an 8th question. Would you like to answer it? Here it is.

8. I recently published IS MICROBIOLOGY SOUND? at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web and I quoted Dr. Harold Hillman's paper in which he discussed problems with Subcellular Fractionation and ELectron Microscopy which he claimed produce artifacts in chemical reactions and in cells that aren't real, but which nonetheless microbiologists assume are real. I also included this statement and quote which supports Hillman's warnings: This MIT news article at https://news.mit.edu/2009/electron-microscope says as follows. "(B)iologists have been unable to unleash the high power of electron microscopes on living specimens, because of the destructive power of the electrons. The radiation dose received by a specimen during electron microscope imaging is comparable to the irradiation from a 10-megaton hydrogen bomb exploded about 30 meters away. When exposed to such energetic electron beams, biological specimens experience rapid breakdown, modification of chemical bonds, or other structural damages."

_So my question is, do you experts have reason to think that mainstream microbiology is sound or unsound and, if so, what are your main reasons, stated briefly?

_PS, in the post at mejbcart.substack.com/p/catecholamines-5g-and-the-deaths , is it saying that the mRNA in the vaxes cause cells to waste amino acids to form spike proteins and thus starve organs, such as the brain, of these vital amino acids? Why isn't the body's immune system able to sequester the vax mRNA to keep it from robbing the cells?

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sorry didn't have time yet for the Hillmans paper. Will definitely go over it and let you know my point.

The answer to the last portion is: that injection MODIFIED mRNA is synthetic, your body can't take it apart so easy, like it does with HUMAN mRNA. The post


explains it why...

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Thank you. Do you like to be addressed by your name? or as MejBCart?

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lets stay with the user name for now..

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Sep 1, 2022
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Dr. Rife's frequency list for almost every pathogenic entity is out there. One just needs to find it and distribute to everyone. I'm sure communication industry knows it all.

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Will it help to hide under the covers?

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If they are conductive metallic sheets resembling s.c. Faraday cage with the proper mesh size, then yes. But if you have beaming towers, satellites 24/7 then that's NOT a solution, because nature, including us, humans, needs LIGHT in order to live. There is only one solution, get rid of the 5G/6G... and even the other lower frequency ranges and change it to human friendly spectrum.

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I am aware of one rural-ish location where the 5G box mysteriously keeps getting knocked down. At least some are aware of harms.

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Mej, links don't work in posts unless you insert them by hand, but they work automatically in the Comments. I think these are all your links.

Japanese study (mRNA may never die in the human body): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/cia2.12278

Preparation of a new, old style crime (Monkeypox in Bay Area wastewater): https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/23/1056399/monkeypox-california-wastewater/

Why covid injections are NOT ‘vaccines’ https://uncutnews.ch/2-videos-die-mrna-des-impfstoffs-verandert-das-genom-und-das-immunsystem/

1000 studies presenting covid vax injuries: https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/

Catecholamine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catecholamine

C-terminal portion of human VMAT-2 protein compared with a snake VMAT-2 https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/Q05940/entry

Elites purpose: we all should own nothing https://www.bitchute.com/video/PmoHsJzWORPF/

The currently widely used 2.45GHz wi-fi radiation is known to affect rabbits’ hearts https://bioinitiative.org/table-of-contents/

FCC allowance for researcher to beam 1050GHz on humanity in the Buffalo area (NANO-MATERIALS) https://www.bitchute.com/video/FJtsdQ073zg8/

Water absorbing all the GHz frequency ranges in particular around 60GHz by the oxygen https://www.phys.hawaii.edu/~anita/new/papers/militaryHandbook/rf_absor.pdf

Water wires’ function around protein is still being studied https://nationalmaglab.org/news-events/news/water-wires

K+ (positive potassium ion) flow through the cell membranes https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2001083117

Overwriting specific light packets https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22140176/report-from-working-group-of-vaccine-analysis-in-germany.pdf

Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35157759/

Biophotonen - Neue Horizonte in the Medizin https://stateofthenation.co/?p=13552

Genetic deletion of vesicular monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT2) reduces dopamine transporter activity https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17664021/

Knockout of the Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 Gene Results in Neonatal Death https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627300804195

The vesicular monoamine transporter 2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5028832/

Adrenochrome and related oxidative metabolites of catecholamines https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21906912/

Wireless Instantaneous Neurotransmitter Concentration System https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19425890/

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Len, thanks a LOT for this precious note! Unfortunately your suggestion does not work... Not sure what to do.

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You have to go into Edit mode,

then copy the link,

then highlight the text where you want the link to work,

then click on the chain at the top of the page,

then paste the link into the dialog box,

then click on the Link button (which inserts the link and closes the dialog box).

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THANKS! Tried the first one, but for whatever reason the first click on the new link to the html doc doesn't work. Had to click twice in order to link properly....

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MejBCart, thanks for the correction of your answer to my first question. I changed it at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts/comments

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Yesterday, I started a thread called VAX QUESTIONS FOR EXPERT/S at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts/comments

Here are the questions, but I added #8 just now here. Do you have time to answer these? And are there better questions I should ask?

1. When vaccinated people get Covid within a few weeks after getting vaxed, is the Covid from the vax, or from the Covid virus circulating in the environment?

2. When they get Covid, which cells get infected first?

3. I read online that Covid contains RNA, not DNA. Right? Is there more than one strand of RNA in each virus and how long is each strand?

4. This article is titled, "The COVID-19 virus may not insert genetic material into human DNA" (2021) It says the virus doesn’t have the necessary machinery to insert itself into human DNA. Do you have reason to think that's true or untrue?

5. What causes the virus to attach to a cell?

6. Do you know what Covid genome sequence causes its RNA to enter a cell?

7. And do you know how the virus replicates and disburses?

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Please confirm if you received my response via email...

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I received your reply that said: Please confirm if you received my response via email...

Is that what you mean?

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yes, thank you. Please let me know, if that was clear or if you need more info.

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I didn't actually receive any of your answers to my questions.

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I did send out all the answers 2 days ago, on MON to your yahoo email account. Title "The Anwwers to your question".. Not sure if you want me here to repeat your email address??

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I just found your email in my Spam folder. I found an earlier one of your emails from Friday there too. In that one you asked why I don't want to have public discussion. Actually, I do welcome public discussion.

Anyway, thank you for your answers. I plan to add them soon to my post.

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Thank you, MejBCart. I added your answers to my questions at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts

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8. I recently published IS MICROBIOLOGY SOUND? at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real and I quoted Dr. Harold Hillman's paper in which he discussed problems with Subcellular Fractionation and ELectron Microscopy which he claimed produce artifacts in chemical reactions and in cells that aren't real, but which nonetheless microbiologists assume are real. I also included this statement and quote which supports Hillman's warnings: This MIT news article at https://news.mit.edu/2009/electron-microscope says as follows. "(B)iologists have been unable to unleash the high power of electron microscopes on living specimens, because of the destructive power of the electrons. The radiation dose received by a specimen during electron microscope imaging is comparable to the irradiation from a 10-megaton hydrogen bomb exploded about 30 meters away. When exposed to such energetic electron beams, biological specimens experience rapid breakdown, modification of chemical bonds, or other structural damages."

So my question is, do you have reason to think that mainstream microbiology is sound or unsound and, if so, what are your main reasons, stated briefly?

PS, in your post above, are you saying that the mRNA in the vaxes cause cells to waste amino acids to form spike proteins and thus starve organs, such as the brain, of these vital amino acids? Why isn't the body's immune system able to sequester the vax mRNA to keep it from replicating by robbing the cells of amino acids?

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the content of the video is right, but that is not Bill Gates in 2005....The voice is somewhat similar, that's it.

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Tell me who it is if you can’t admit it is gates from 15 years ago. Meanwhile the FunVax and Vmat2 gene are part of Gates work

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It is not that I can't admit, I just think that guy in this video has only voice similar to gates, there is no near picture of his face, thus to say definitely it was him, who presented that highly scientific content, is too far, I think. Btw. I have original vie WITHOUT that Gates name on it, which was added later on... These days you can simulate anything with the right programmer.

That does not mean, the above plan is not Gates work, he pays for everything what ruins and kills humanity, so I definitely think he is 'in that work', but in case of this presentation, which went so viral, I have my doubts.

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Find me the list of Bill Gates-lookalikes who also dabble in experimental vaccine tech with govt contracts.

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need more proof, not a blurry video with gates' voice. I know this monster has his fingers in this topic, but still, give more proof...

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Daszak was cia confirmed by whistle blower Take a look here please https://uncoverdc.com/2022/02/09/ecohealth-alliance-whistleblower-exposes-corruption/

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thanks for the link. Just wonder who is real Daszak's 'boss'?

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Aug 31, 2022Edited
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are you sure it is her? Dr.. R. Young talks a lot about salt too...

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Sep 1, 2022Edited
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Hi coop,

Thanks a LOT for this link. I think I heard it a while ago, but sometimes things get quickly forgotten or not noticed! This talk was great. The salt connection seems to me very plausible, not because of Baric's work (which I should have read..) but because of 2 things:

1. few friends who got covid, including me, were literally craving for salt during and even after the disease

2. the salt connection also points to the fact why ivermectin is SO important! Ivermectin apparently binds to Spike and this way eliminates it, while normal ivermecrins' mode of action is exactly that regulation of Chlor-/sodium/.potassium channels. I'm just looking into its binding of other metals, including iron. Also one needs to add, any regulation of ion channels flow will be affected by EMF radiation, simple physics...

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Sep 1, 2022
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yes, new conductive pathways in the human body means, new neuronal networks...

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Sep 1, 2022
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Aug 30, 2022
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That's why he has nothing to do in any of americans powers any more, which he destroyed, with his shots (I'm talking every single injected child, citizen, even military...)

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Aug 30, 2022
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you mean the supporters who until this day sit in jail for the 6th??? The trump-blidness ( strange the biden name is in the world...) equals the covid injections deaths denials... Both lethal.

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The claims that his supporters are sitting in jail for the Jan. 6 event is probably false and Jan. 6 event was probably staged and the trial is probably fake. See http://mileswmathis.com/jan6.pdf



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whether he staged the 6th or not, he clearly staged the Warp Speed, the biggest crime ever, in my opinion.

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Aug 30, 2022
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yes indeed, 2 clowns in a total different outfit.. Whoever arranged that entire playgame, must have been a very good screen writer, almost like the hollywoods stars of the Spielberg caliber (Spielberg in german means a mountain of a play...), laughing at the back, while people are shot to death in real life!

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Aug 27, 2022
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Thank you for all this, which I followed very carefully ever since Jan2020. Once the PLANdemic started that's when I finally started to look into politics and it was clear that at the very begin Trumps strategy was pretty good, to let people believe he is on site of the people, not the pharma cartel. But once the Warp Speed was announced, the first clinical MOD-Erna/Pfizer trials came, I saw it was a criminal setup, which started with scientific fraud in these trials. Later on I found out about his Sep 2019 executive order which was preparing for all of this, WAY in advance.. I feel so disgusted by him, that it'd make me sick to even try to write one sentence on his page there. My only hope is that the american people finally will get the fact that they are victims of a crime in which every president, for quite a while, was involved and that finally they choose someone who will stand up for the people and not corporations and their lies.

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Aug 26, 2022
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Yes, saw that, thank you. Right now we are cooked like boiled eggs in every 5G city. It is strange, that people with Iphones do not notice it, not even the temperature increase, just the ones who are not 'smarted' actually get it. Still working on this 6G post which hopefully one day will summarize it even more, just the heat slows it down....

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Aug 25, 2022
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thanks coop, didn't see this comment, first now!

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Aug 16, 2022
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I do believe the depopulation of HUMANS, the 'old style real humans' is happening in order to replace them with new genetically modified entities, lacking many essential human features (compassion, love, faith, intellectual power, will). Economy, sustainability, etc., in my view, is INDEPENDENT of the population size, but it is dependent on the QUALITY of humans. That's why it was necessary, to degrade human 'characteristics' first, via demoralization (look at the KGB agent interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEijIFlob6c), where money and power got everyone to the current level, almost impossible to untangle from the entire 'arranged' system (education, lifestyle, believes, politics).

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Aug 16, 2022
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If you take that as a truthful resource at https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-relationship-between-inflation-and-population?share=1 :

Technological advancement = Industrial revolution = Increased oil supply = efficient energy sources = mass production of agriculture = increased human population = increased demand for everything material = price inflation through the market mechanism of economic distribution.

=> Then, they actually admit, that the vaccination will lead to decrease of population, and thus 'tame the inflation'....

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Aug 16, 2022
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you've just send me the link to this good documentary:


now I don't see it in your comments here.... That section there connecting 'climate change' to 'too many of us' is just another admission again, of a criminal setup by those aa's.. They first generate the climate change, then blame it on 'too many of us'. It is always again and again, the very same tactics of destroying our world, including us...

Thank you for all the links.

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Aug 16, 2022
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Thank you! I added that link to this post, just in case people do not read the comments section..

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Aug 12, 2022
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Thank for this. I had that paper form it's appearance and prepared some data connecting the pieces.. Part is in the post:


and more will be out soon:)

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