Mar 20, 2022Liked by mejbcart

You've put a lot of work into this which ties in with similar work by others. It is highly commendable. I am not surprised you were squeezed out of the party.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by mejbcart

Just been reading through a couple of your posts again. Snake venom has been mentioned recently. Chinese Krait and King cobra. Dr Bing Liu, now dead from a suicide pact. mRNA wrapped in hydrogel for stability and dynabeads_ magnetic nano particles. You are definitely onto it!

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Awesome post.

The list of similar sequences is particularly appreciated. That ties in well with the history of anti-fertility vaccines: https://medquotes.substack.com/p/publications-worth-mentioning

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Forbidden knowledge is where I picked it up. I've been watching this site for some years now. They have some interesting posts at times. As you say, an attempt was made in the past to tamper with black populations. Ethnic tolerances is -dare I say it- only skin deep.

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By my limited understanding, the existence of sequence homologies in spike with other proteins doesn't mean they have the same bioactivity they would if not folded into the intact spike form.

To attain the function that they are known for, they need to be 'free floating', and this can happen if the spike protein is cleaved by enzymes by the immune system.

But what products are generated after that cleaving needs to be studied, and doesn't necessarily generate free-floating proteins of every sequence you find matches for.

If someone qualified would like to confirm, refute, or expand on anything in my comment, I would appreciate it.

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This is a curious brief put out by the National Library of Medicine called K26R genetic types.

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