Wow at that Korean mind control patent. Great find. Do you relate that to the Covid jabs overarching scheme or some other nefarious agenda? Also one of my lawyer friends turned me onto for free patent 🔎 and I love it especially for the family + associated patents.
Pessimism is understandable because you are are & bright, while the scheme is collusively deep; yet g-d and the minor prophets explain how this evil will fail. I was more pessimistic myself and even got 2 months in jail like Stanford Lawyer Dr. Simone Gold, yet my adversaries (2 ten million dollar a year luminous FED reserve lawyers) continue to keep putting ridiculous pressure on my family of cinematic proportions. 1 of them is the Managing Partner of a top international firm while the other is the international chair of an entire funding practice group. It's like Atty and Dr Jekyll island leal bros. Intellectual property (patents) and funding law are the 2 earliest concentrations of law in the follow the money cliche which fall around R&D. I'm a legal recruiting biz owner and this 1 law firm used to be my favorite client, yet sometimes when you touch dirty money you feel it. They have gotten the local lawyers and NCbar to comply in the abuse, whereupon I can't even defend myself as I'm a threat to more than just Ralph Baric's career #7279327b2 #20170096455 and more.
What's your email, I can ffwd you my uspto and world patent sequences? I see UNC virology with some traces of Vanderbilt and Dartmouth involved on top of the aforementioned clinical Frankenstein labs. This feels so much like a FED Reserve playbook with the Spanish Flu Tuberculosis/Meningitis/Polio copy cat scam to mix in nanotechnology currency agendas.
it seems like a complete separation from the criminals is necessary. A network of reliable people, who hold the essentials in their hands (food, money, education,jobs, manufacturing, science, politics).. This planet is infected with evil beyond imagination.
you hit the nail.... Pirbright Inst. (B. Gates..) was the first one which popped out in 2020 when I started to look into corona patents. Later on this gentleman (just wonder where this word comes from..):
and his 2016 patent for: “Compositions and methods for the treatment of viral infections” with 98% ~85% IDENTITIES with 2 extremely important 2020 (!!) SARS-CoV-2 domains of the SPike, now in bodies of BILLIONS! Strangely that patent talks mainly about HIV.
There is one more extremely important MIT place, Broad Institute, which is doing all the sequencing of every synthetic/natural organic matter and now I see they pop up together with DFI on some of these patents.
And the Queen doesn't seem to matter, now Charles is there. The 'viral' Philip died 4 month after his covid injection, the queen made little bit longer.. Amazing, how many 'children' want to protect their elderly from 'covid'.
thanks a lot for this extensive, very useful summary. It is just criminal that scientists like those, who wrote it, describe this entire murder as 'vaccine'. I just do not get it! Sorry.
Btw. I just extended the post with more very interesting analysis combining the info on Spikes from SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1, and finding a link to reverse transcriptases, in my opinion the 'a and o' of the genetics=EUGENICS.
Yes, Prof. Burkhard's pathological findings from Germany, and the most recent study about the japanese patient, in all of which the Spike protein was found months' AFTER the covid injections, indicate, the SPike is being actively expressed. The question is, is it from the still present synthetic SPike genes, driven by the nanolipids, or is it from the forever incorporated portions of SPike inside of the human genome.. I hope a lot it is not the latter..
not only the covid injections are illegal, the masks were and are, too, in my opinion. It is extremely sad that so few want/can to say NO to everything covid related. Yes, prayer for everybody to become confident in own powers, absolutely with no fear of tyranny, is needed very much:)
demonic experimentation
with absolute no regard to human lives, while claiming exactly the opposite. Lies with no end.
Wow at that Korean mind control patent. Great find. Do you relate that to the Covid jabs overarching scheme or some other nefarious agenda? Also one of my lawyer friends turned me onto for free patent 🔎 and I love it especially for the family + associated patents.
As always, thanks for linking to my work.
I will have to re-read with all the work you got here, today!
Happy Thanksgiving and keep on trek and journey!
Sorry didn't get this message via email!! Seeing it first now, many days AFTER Thanksgiving.. Well let's wait for Christmas:)
Pessimism is understandable because you are are & bright, while the scheme is collusively deep; yet g-d and the minor prophets explain how this evil will fail. I was more pessimistic myself and even got 2 months in jail like Stanford Lawyer Dr. Simone Gold, yet my adversaries (2 ten million dollar a year luminous FED reserve lawyers) continue to keep putting ridiculous pressure on my family of cinematic proportions. 1 of them is the Managing Partner of a top international firm while the other is the international chair of an entire funding practice group. It's like Atty and Dr Jekyll island leal bros. Intellectual property (patents) and funding law are the 2 earliest concentrations of law in the follow the money cliche which fall around R&D. I'm a legal recruiting biz owner and this 1 law firm used to be my favorite client, yet sometimes when you touch dirty money you feel it. They have gotten the local lawyers and NCbar to comply in the abuse, whereupon I can't even defend myself as I'm a threat to more than just Ralph Baric's career #7279327b2 #20170096455 and more.
What's your email, I can ffwd you my uspto and world patent sequences? I see UNC virology with some traces of Vanderbilt and Dartmouth involved on top of the aforementioned clinical Frankenstein labs. This feels so much like a FED Reserve playbook with the Spanish Flu Tuberculosis/Meningitis/Polio copy cat scam to mix in nanotechnology currency agendas.
it seems like a complete separation from the criminals is necessary. A network of reliable people, who hold the essentials in their hands (food, money, education,jobs, manufacturing, science, politics).. This planet is infected with evil beyond imagination.
Answered to your email already...
This is my attempt to ¹up your mind control patent by asking your opinion on all patents coming out of Pirbright Institute UK or Dana Farber ♋ AKA Harvard Ü ¹
Is this not Hegelian Dialectic AKA Problem ▪︎ Reaction ▪︎ Solution, AKA "²WHO smelt it, dealt it"?
THE QUEEN IS DEAD, TIME FOR THE NŮ'KING 💣 OF #Masstort & ²World Health Org
you hit the nail.... Pirbright Inst. (B. Gates..) was the first one which popped out in 2020 when I started to look into corona patents. Later on this gentleman (just wonder where this word comes from..):
and his 2016 patent for: “Compositions and methods for the treatment of viral infections” with 98% ~85% IDENTITIES with 2 extremely important 2020 (!!) SARS-CoV-2 domains of the SPike, now in bodies of BILLIONS! Strangely that patent talks mainly about HIV.
There is one more extremely important MIT place, Broad Institute, which is doing all the sequencing of every synthetic/natural organic matter and now I see they pop up together with DFI on some of these patents.
And the Queen doesn't seem to matter, now Charles is there. The 'viral' Philip died 4 month after his covid injection, the queen made little bit longer.. Amazing, how many 'children' want to protect their elderly from 'covid'.
Not sure, why I'm always so pessimistic.
thanks a lot for this extensive, very useful summary. It is just criminal that scientists like those, who wrote it, describe this entire murder as 'vaccine'. I just do not get it! Sorry.
Btw. I just extended the post with more very interesting analysis combining the info on Spikes from SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1, and finding a link to reverse transcriptases, in my opinion the 'a and o' of the genetics=EUGENICS.
Yes, Prof. Burkhard's pathological findings from Germany, and the most recent study about the japanese patient, in all of which the Spike protein was found months' AFTER the covid injections, indicate, the SPike is being actively expressed. The question is, is it from the still present synthetic SPike genes, driven by the nanolipids, or is it from the forever incorporated portions of SPike inside of the human genome.. I hope a lot it is not the latter..
never had ANY mask on my face, in particular for the last >2.5 YEARS....
Prefer to be jobless.
not only the covid injections are illegal, the masks were and are, too, in my opinion. It is extremely sad that so few want/can to say NO to everything covid related. Yes, prayer for everybody to become confident in own powers, absolutely with no fear of tyranny, is needed very much:)