Just found you, courtesy of a friend... I am SO on board with what you're saying. Many long years have gone by with people telling me I'm a nutjob... Interestingly enough, I understand that wearing a tinfoil hat might actually protect us from 5G... LOL. Cheers. Good post. I'm signed up.

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Thank you very much for signing up! If the frequency and power continue to rise, the tinfoil might need to get thicker...

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absolutely no forgiveness here for anyone involved in this.

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yes, unfortunately it is a 'classified' field in many aspects, and thus 'tabula rasa', a non-existing issue, all denied by everyone involved. Again, identical situation with 'nobody died' after covid injection...

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Thank you for being a passionate reader:)

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But... forgiveness does not mean there is no punishment.

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We should be able to prove whether or not it's aerosolized graphene causing the COVID symptoms...

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