UPDATES are first, the real post starts behind the divider bar below. THANK YOU!
2/18 2025: That’s ONLY in republican state, NOT in CA, skies are full of crap, every day here!!!!
1/21/2025: Extremely important, that’s what I see for years around all the vegetation in my backyard, report is in German, hopefully can be translated into english:
11/12/2024: another pilot testifies about active aerial sprayings of toxic poisons in our air at https://old.bitchute.com/video/1ZxxvUSlQEeG/
11/3/2024: IMPORTANT for those who want their voices heard!!!
10/14/2024: German Lufhansa pilot Christoph Westenheim laid off for NOT activating the ‘chemtrail button’ in the cockpit on the PASSENGER flight LH-1366-FRA-BCN and for not doing it on his other ~30 flights… The HERO is suing Lufhansa now (report in German though…):
10/9/2024: After few months of constant temperatures of ~100F in CA, people are slowly, still too slow, waking up. DANE from Geonegineeringwatch.org reports on the most recent generation of hurricanes devastating US population, their belongings and their future, the infrastructure and the capacity to survive: https://www.brighteon.com/b7b7e67c-d010-4a10-bfdc-5a2a75a3ebdb
7/1/2024: HB 2063 in Tennessee https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2063
5/9/2024: Current ‘accomplishment’ of the geoengineering, generation of temperature difference of ~30deg F within ~ 6hours… Once a heat is generated a wave of extreme winds wipes entire crop with weak stems completely… No more cherries, on my tree!!!!Couple of old documentaries, very informative: https://expose-news.com/2024/05/09/chemtrails-and-their-impact-on-all-life-on-earth/
4/29/2024: Contents of ‘Sahara sand’ landing in EU, in German though: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tioYDgn7dsck/ . 2 sample examples: 14,2 mg/kg of aluminum, second 10.342 mg/kg, x728 times more than sample 1…
3/21/2024: Despite of the recent Highwire (Del Bigtree) intention to downplay the geonegineering efforts to apparently only airplanes exhausts (!!), Dane’s new GREAT message, first state introducing prohibition of REAL geoengineering:
3/16/2024: The geonegineering sprayings are becoming exponentially more questionable: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/styrofoam-snow-catches-fire-but-doesnt-melt/ The title is wrong, but the facts are indisputable.
1/12/2024: Davos lecture by ETH-Physicist Dr. Philipp Zeller about GEOENGINEERING of our planet, studied by Dane and many others too, in German unfortunately:
11/29/2023: Mexico under geoengineering attack, by globalists: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qiwrlQpWvpSu/
11/24/2023: Long interview with a very experienced pilot descriibing details of the ‘sprayings system’: https://expose-news.com/2023/11/24/hidden-agenda-behind-uk-gov-chemtrail-operations/
8/30/2023: New geoengineering documentary at https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/unconventional-grey-unfinished-third-geoengineering-film-of-michael-j-murphy/
7/20/2023: Dane Wigington with Presidential candidate RF Kennedy, extremely important:
8/13/2023: wanting to keep the above important image first, so now to the MAUI fires:
boats on water caught on fire??? Rings of burning objects? Anyone some direct weapons via lasers from the above flying airplanes or maybe other wi-fi powerful sources???? That’s a feature of a laser beam, with different modes of firing pulses, possibly..
Here an old presentation in which Rosalind Peterson (at ~30.30) testifies in front of the UN about aerial sprayings containing countless metal particles, in particular aluminum, which once in the root system of plants, prevent water absorption and cause massive die off all plant species:
7/20/2023: Debra Tavares gives a great amount of information: https://www.brighteon.com/35118204-5da3-47cf-b190-bd42ddb41de7
7/13/2013: Dane Wigington speaks with a scientist confirming, again, the presence of GRAPHENE IN RAIN! PLEASE SPREAD:
1/20/2023: Flooding are over, for now. Thank you. Very interesting report on the types of carriers doing the sprayings and more across the entire globe: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/monkey-werx-is-history-repeating-itself/
1/14/2023: FLOODING around on this special day 14-1 in 2023 in EU style! You fricking CRIMINALS, STOP flooding CA NOW!!!! Sorry, it’s about my own home…
1/3/2023: A document showing how the official U.S. Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed by placing the measurement stations exactly in the right spot:
10/17/2022: TWO terrible news: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/alaska-snow-crab-season-canceled-first-time-after-population-crash-bering-sea and the https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-10-16-white-house-sun-blocking-geoengineering-conspiracy-theory.html
UPDATE, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: 9/14/2022 Science Whistleblower confirms presence of graphene in geoengineering fallout:
Update: 4/30/2022, 4/13/2022, attached at the end of this post
Urgent Update: 5/20/2022, at the end of this post
Urgent Update: 7/8/2022 It is all about the WATER:
and 12 days later 7/20/2022 these news: https://interestingengineering.com/hoover-dam-explosion
7/10/2022: Geologists are NOT welcome in ‘Climate change’ discussion, they know too much: https://principia-scientific.com/professor-plimer-the-greens-are-pursuing-mass-murder/
7/27/2022: “TSUNAMI Warning System Buoys Are Being Taken Down 1 by 1! What's About To Happen?!” Is somebody pumping our water from the entire earth surface, while shutting down the detection system???
8/24/2022: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/radical-drought-caused-by-military-weather-weapons-dane-wigington/
9/29/2022: How Hurricanes are engineered, especially if somebody, like De Santis sends out immigrants to a special places, exposing the crimes:
Update: 11/26/2024 An old Reese report important for that one fact, if you want to beleive the top US physicist, good luck with that, you stay in the bubble of your own deception for good:
Californians, did you notice, we had almost no rain this year (2022), and only one week long on and off rains in autumn 2021 while the weather reports predict the next rain with 70%, day later with 60%, and when they get to 20%, you can be sure no drop will fall of the strangely covered sky..
As of today, months later after writing this post, an article titled: ”Atmospheric water harvesting: Prospectus on graphene-based materials” is being published (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1557/s43578-022-00629-8) which shows how to ‘drive’ the water with this exotic material absorbing lot of GHz range radiation, a superconductor, thermal conductor:
Also right now, end of July 2022 CA capitol area is at CONSTANT HEAT wave of ~100F (4th week in raw is coming!!!, now 3rd week in Aug, heat wave CONTINUES), whereby coastal areas are like they always used to be, ~60F. How many more 5G towers Sacramento area has in comparison with coastal areas?? Remember, graphene absorbs 5G radiation, all of it. So no cooler weather for the food basket area! How similar to the waning immunity after covid injections… So no rain, and that with ‘Global warming’ assuring the higher condensation rates at higher temperatures:
Here is am example of what officials know about global warning, sorry warming:
Sacramento SMUD electric facilities admitted on record being a corporate member of the WEATHER MODIFICATION ASSOCIATION which was established in 1950, with their mission, quote:
“Enabling persons, political entities, and other organizations to make informed decisions about the application of weather modification technologies, to provide for adequate water supplies, and reduced natural weather hazards. ”
An email to SMUD revealed that, what we are being sprayed with, in order to induce rain, is just silver iodide!!?? What a pity, they don’t spray some gold down here. Surely the taxpayers would like to collect something back, even that silver these days..
SMUD says there are no other chemicals involved!! Strangely measuring the magnetization of the ground dust last summer 2021, it appeared it was highly magnetic. Optical 60x microscope showed tiny, shiny ‘platelets, all over, and that for many years. Before the Santa Rosa fires in 2018 the amount of shiny materials in collected dust from across the entire Bay Area, was just astonishing, one didn’t even need a microscope any more. Let’s just hope that was not the 1990 DARPA’S SmartDust, described in 2007: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/6937/1/Smart-dust-technology-for-detection-and-identification-of-persons/10.1117/12.784908.short
and in 2016: https://www.rawscience.tv/global-smart-dust-may-be-the-ultimate-internet-of-things/
and the nearer 2020, the more ‘popular’ these descriptions became:
with the one at https://www.nanowerk.com/smartdust.php
being the best, in my opinion.
So the smart dust floating around, as a new compound in clouds, together with water, all sensitive to ever increasing amounts of microwaves everywhere, laid to new clouds definitions by WMO in 2017 (How similar to vaccines and immune redefinitions of 2020!!) with now forgotten shape of the good old clouds: http://cloudatlas.wmo.int/en/foreword-to-the-2017-edition.html
But, who watches clouds these days, everyones’ eyes are on Iphones, while there is a true FIGHT on the skies, in the air, including our bodies, which are affected by these materials, which include aluminum, barium, strontium, coal ash and many more undisclosed compounds (how similar to covid injection materials, everywhere falsely called ‘vaccines’!. Who would ask the question, why one contrail left by an airplain is almost black, the other right next to it white, and why they linger there for hours, and then expand along its width with strange streaks spreading sometimes across the entire sky? And why the rainbow left by those has an inverted color sequence, as if it was a reflection from a single mirror plane and not from a water droplet? And what these round hallo’s around the sun are doing on a completely cloudless sky? And why these hallo’s can expand within minutes to completely different radius, most probably only with a powerful radars around, like it is the case along the CA coast, for example at Pillar Point?
The number one true fighter in the ‘weather warfare’ business is Dane Wingington from Geoengineeringwatch.org, an organization invaluable in terms of 100% truthful information related to weather: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
with their most recent best documentary ever available at:
There is a list of 211 patents chronologically involved in the weather engineering ever since 1891(!), countless hearings, debates, lectures, published works, including a Government Document: ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025‘.
How similar to the NIH BRAIN 2025, the Next moonshot: https://directorsblog.nih.gov/tag/brain-2025/
The goal, to change the entire nature, including human beings grows exponentially. In 2015, Bayer financed $335 million and in the very same year, Celgene combined with Abingworth invested $64 million in CRISPR Therapeutics. The NIH recently granted 21 somatic cell genome editing grants of almost $86 million over the next half a decade. These endowments are the foremost to be granted through the Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) program that was initiated in January 2018 with NIH Common Fund. (https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/analysis/IR/global-genome-editing-market)
The above Bayer, who now owns Monsanto, normally producing seeds, is now equally interested in weather changes:
Isn’t that strange that searching for homologies between the universally injected SARD-CoV-2 Spike proteins and patented synthetics, one finds countless amino acid pieces belonging to old and the newest Monsanto patents.. Geoengineering and ‘covid issue’ must be somehow related, given, that so many people around are ‘getting covid’ only after heavy sprayings of the skies above them (that includes me personally).. Graphene is around us, according to Dane’s most recent report on bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qi6Z7ZscnDEC/
Graphene, whether in injections, with many scientists, proving it, described at: https://www.globalresearch.ca/graphene-covid-kill-shots-let-evidence-speak-itself/5763418
or in aerial sprayings, is always connected with high absorption of GHz radiation^1, UV radiation (210, 230 and 250 nm)^2, which in turn implies water involvement, i.e. essential part of our HUMAN BODIES. The only company having lot of experience in aerosolized toxins technologies, in particular Anthrax, is Battelle, with that one special place at Utah Dugway testing grounds. Couple of weeks ago that north area of Utah was the ‘hottest’ covid spot according to: https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map
It is shifting to the north right now, and it must be just a coincidence. The current Ukraine crisis according to: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/02/24/us-bioweapons-labs-in-ukraine-what-will-russia-find-in-the-labs/
lists 3 companies involved in bioweapons research down there: Battelle, CH2M Hill and Metabiota Inc, whereby the latter has lot of experience in ebola and hemorrhagic fever, according to https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2752219/20140717-Report-on-Ebola-Response-by-Viral.pdf
Just a thought: maybe that’s why Trump never investigated Hunter Biden’s laptop, too many viruses??? And the business goes until this very day with :
Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners – an investment firm led by Hunter Biden – was a lead financial backer of Metabiota, a pandemic tracking and response firm that has partnered with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
This will continue, with more editing here… Please, stay tuned:) and in the meantime, expose illegal, thus criminal, geoengineering, because California, the FOOD BASKET of America, is being dried out, as if we all were living inside of a microwave oven, during covid19, a disease which apparently showed up only in 2020, with humanity dying out on heart attacks, strokes, on anything blood related while the bats, the bastards which ‘gave us the virus’, are flying freely around, with no reports of falling bats from the skies, due to their heart attacks.
This paragraph is being added on Aug 1st 2023, after a winter 22/23 of incredible amounts of rainfall here in CA. What happened?? Right now the weather in CA capitol has incredible REPEATABLE pattern in regard to temperature changes. The entire June/July the midweek temperatures (Tue, Wed, Thu) were almost always ~15 COOLER than the weekend temperatures (Sat,Sun).. What generates that additional heat on weekends in comparison with midweek??? Somebody who turns the knob on the local temperatures here goes home for the weekend?? What about modulation of power emissions from 5G towers???
Lot of published geonegineering work was also done by
J. Marvin Herndon http://nuclearplanet.com/Geoengineering_Scientific_Articles.html
Few books were written by Elana Freeland: https://www.elanafreeland.com/
and one very good history research of those involved was done by Peter Kirby at https://ia803107.us.archive.org/25/items/the_matrix_of_holographic_reality/Chemtrails-Exposed-A-New-Manhattan-Project(2).pdf
Last but not least I owe apology to Clifford Carnicom, whome I didn’t mention yet. He is the one who did next to Dane, the most deep scientific investigations on the topic of geoengineering, for decades. His efforts to expose the toxic subject are neverending:
Last word to those who do the dirty job, i.e. geoengineering sprayings. You surely do not know, those who order you to kill, once you realize what you are actually doing, please be watchful, you are on ‘their’ list too. To remove witnesses of a crime, is the very visible way the elites function.
4/13/2022 update: the consequences of the aerial sprayings are getting exponentially more dangerous:
Update: 4/30/2022
Update: 5/20/022
Extreme winds in CA, few other states in US, tornado in MI in GAYLORD kills 2. The same on the other side, the same day (9 hours difference) in Germany in multiple states winds/tonrados (!!) kill 6. Is it possible that the sprayed chemicals can go around the entire globe on one day and have the potential to cause ‘side effects’ worldwide in a very short time????
1.The role of graphene oxide precursor morphology in magnetic and microwave absorption properties of nitrogen-doped graphene. L Quan et al 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 305001
2.The UV absorption of graphene oxide is size-dependent: possible calibration pitfalls. Mikrochim Acta 2019 Feb 28;186(3):207.
Just found you, courtesy of a friend... I am SO on board with what you're saying. Many long years have gone by with people telling me I'm a nutjob... Interestingly enough, I understand that wearing a tinfoil hat might actually protect us from 5G... LOL. Cheers. Good post. I'm signed up.
absolutely no forgiveness here for anyone involved in this.