May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Liked by mejbcart

I'm so untechnical yet respect your work and opinions. I just want strong reversal info and prosecution help. Have you been to David Martin's www.prosecutenow.com website and do you think there's a 1st domino say ( Ralph Barc@UNC, Mark Denison@Vanderbilt, Fauci or 1 of the Gates perhaps?) I feel that the 1st few are protected by research and that perhaps there's a chance Melinda gets charged first on Pirbright Patent #10130701b2. Happy wife happy life, happy house happy spouse, whereupon the inverse holds true. I'm a political science guy vs. a hard sciences guy so that's my contribution and as a patent researcher I can't hold a candle to one of my heros David Martin.

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What are the consequences of "the ACE2 receptors in our bodies are regulated by chloride and fluoride!"?

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they are ruining everything. it’s impossible to avoid all the contamination but i drink distilled water which has been in short supply lately... found some yesterday for double the price previously paid... total destruction seems to be their goal.

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I wouldn't presume to make proclamations about this, since you're the guy who's educated in this area, and not me... But my instinct is, Bollocks. ;) That said, I dunno. I have NEVER in my life heard of snake venom in the water, but seems to me we'd have to have a LOT of snakes involved... lol. And THAT said, I have some suspicions about Steve Kirsch, too... He refuses to stop calling the Jab a "vaccine." He's a millionaire tech guy. That's enough for a second look, imo. And he won't address these issues when his readers question him. Strike three... maybe. I have the same kind of suspicions about Robert Malone... Niggling "feelings." I've learned to pay attention to those. But that said, I don't feel it's fair to ONLY listen to intuition, which could be about some other kind of thing, or mis-applied. Good post!!

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Interesting, thx

I am still trying to get my head around this though. If spikes are a conglomerate of poison peptides, how come not all poked keel over? Amount of venom their bodies produce?

Different batches?

Also, if one poisons water, how come some get sick, others do not? People obvs have different levels of health, but if one healthy and one unhealthier person get bit by a rattle snake, both likely will have some problems?

Are they here though working with sub acute venom doses???

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