Yep: "are you afraid of a too powerful human brain so that you have to intoxicate it and destroy it"

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Please take a look at this longer version of the WEF/Bourla video. I think you will find the video has been edited in the brighteon video link you mention (skip to 2:50)


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Steve Kirsch has a ‘locked’ post tonight about how to improve the bifidobacteria in your gut... the answer is to include both prebiotics (like onions, bananas) which help to sustain the good bacteria in your gut and probiotics (like kiefer, yogurt, fermented foods) which introduce the healthy bacteria to your gut. 🐱💕

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not sure if you do your own fermenting, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. So much in fact, that certain brands which were selling great products started to infiltrate the ferments with vinegar. The reason for all of it is the changed content of our atmosphere, in which things do not grow so well any more, that is called geoengineering. Any amount of graphene is extremely bad, and yet, the ground became magnetic these days...

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i consume kiefer probiotics... am anguished beyond words about the ‘geo engineering = geo poisonings’

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Please don't tell me kuhne sauerkraut is anything but healthy cabbage and salt!

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Thx for the tip on SK's article. Missed it.

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until recently i didn’t appreciate the importance of the digestive system to immunity and longevity (consumption of digestive prebiotic & probiotic foods is the commonality in locales with the greatest proportions of centenarians)

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Kitten, you can't imagine the physical pain when you are not not being able to digest what you ate. You will literally die of hunger, while watching your food and dreaming of that moment in which you can make that gift to become a part of your body. That's the reason why MD's know next to nothing about food, nutrition and its digestion, that's what their education was supposed to 'cover', pharma drugs..

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yes, there is no excuse except that their ‘education’ has been corrupted too.

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I'm sorry but I haven't seen where you make the case for your claim that: spike being made with amino acids means spike production causes a shortage of those amino acids for the body.

If you're claiming a shortage is induced it needs to be remotely plausible in the first place, and by volume spike production is using a negligible amount of amino acids, and those are taken from the transfected cells themselves.

You could just as well claim that hair growth causes brain dysfunction.

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ok, 9/9 today, that's a sign. How much do you know about genetic REPROGRAMMING of the transfected cells? It does not need to be even shortage, it is the REPRORAMMING step, which drives the usage of NOT SMALL amount of aromatic amino acids, which are ALSO having NEURORANSMITTER FUNCTIONS in the same time while being reprogrammed to follow different path! The synthetic Spike contains ~1273 amino acids, the average protein in human body anywhere between 200-300 amino acids! Every connection between the 2 in Spike requires magnesium, ATP and t-RNA, and more co-factors!!!! Magnesium alone HAS TO BE DELIVERED from outside, is NOT abundant at all for many. Generally mRNA production is coupled to certain vitamins, which again have to come with nutrition, again not enough in bodies of many. To answer your question, just COMPARE the 100ul of pure genetic material (generating trillions of Spike copies), which activates the production with super speed, for VERY LONG, having who knows how many copies of the spike, with the average requirement of aromatic amino acids in the diet! Given the short time after which you got my link to this post from my other post, and your above comment, indicates you probably didn't even check out ANY of the publications I pointed to in order to even look into this. Do you think your Yaweh would make you bald only to give you some brain superpowers, or would it mean, that your food is crap and you just lost your hair because you are missing the SIMPLE ingredients (in form of NEUROTRANSMITTERS, which come ONLY FROM FOOD) or are poisoned with some chemicals, like graphene for example, or exposed to radiation?

If you can't get the basics, STOP offending.

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Well allow me to introduce myself

I've done gene transfection, chromosome sequencing, genbank submissions and ran published protein folding simulations - and maintained viral cultures in a research institute.

Now if you'd address the issue I raised; you claim a shortage is induced. What is the evidence for that? Is it plausible? Where are those amino acids taken from? How much spike, by weight, is produced?

Those are basic questions you need to answer to support your conjecture that a shortage is induced.

One mouse in a grain silo won't make the town starve.

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That's what Monsanto was telling everyone too, and yet, they targeted the simplest INHIBITING neurotransmitter of all, glycine...

IN terms of my background, I was looking into atomic structural details of FOLDED crystallized proteins, did lot of wet lab work on proteins, of coure some genetics, published, quite a bit, and much more...

IF you have some constructive suggestions, then go ahead, I'll ignore offensive, humiliating remarks from a yaweh server... Btw. You are NOT EVEN READING MY ANSWERS, your main point here is to DISCREDIT.

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Well as far as I can tell you haven't answered the very basic question about your quantification for a quantitative claim.

And since I don't expect that to change I'll wish you the best and close the channel.

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Well, after few minutes time for an answer requiring much more research, I guess, won't miss your comments at all.

Your question was good though, just added the answer to it in my first response here.

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Going to interject here, despite the feeling that you two have not been able to reconcile points of view, because Mejbcart is the closest to the REAL reason this event horizon occurred 👍🙏. Plus, you, Bongoben always have excellent questions and answers!😁😎

To your query of shortage been induced - if the bucket is half empty to begin with, it doesnt take much to completely empty it out. Systematic replacement of glycine by glysophate will have a fairly effective "emptying the bucket" action. See Senefs and McColloughs paper 2021.

Also given the distribution of glysophate in 98%+ of pupulations blood streams. See stats in literature.

Combine that with rampant mal-absorption and malnutrition of global populations, look them up, its there.

Then block and destroy the most protective and powerful antioxidant known in 3000 years-Melatoningernic system and the use of melatonin suppressing sunblocks.

Then the bucket is so low, any small increase of oxidative stress and decrease in amino acids will be magnified to a perfect storm.

As for pure data re spike weight/distribution and mechanism of action, perhaps work together on finding this hard data and presenting to public, may be quicker than still waiting for the next judge ordered biodistribution data from the pharmacartel. 😉😁🤗

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An amino acid is the fundamental molecule that serves as the building block for proteins. There are 20 different amino acids. They are all over us. They are us. We are made of them.

It remains an extraordinary claim that dominant pathological affects occur due to the global systemic depletion of a common amino acid, by that tiny percent of cells in the body which are transfected to produce some spike protein.

Would you consider seriously, a claim that a case of influenza results in systemic pathogenic arginine shortage, based on the fact that influenza virions are assembled with arginine, among other amino acids? <What> would have to be true for that to be plausible?

Would you consider seriously, a claim that fingernail growth causes histidine shortage, based on the fact that it is one of the 18 amino acids required to produce collagen? If not, why not?


The 'thesis' here is: 'Because production of a tiny amount of X requires component Y that is in ubiquitous abundance, I propose that production of X yields a shortage of Y which leads to disease.'

It is both constructive and educational to point out that this is impossible, due to the fact that by weight, no single or double-digit percent of the human biomass is transformed to spike protein.

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