HUMANITY in 2025 with prayers for LA=haina2.0, the genetic Spike fallout continues, insulin and H5N1.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy": a phrase from 2018 predictions for 2030 published by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
=> my answer: for a normal human it would apply only if you are dead or mentally impaired, in which case the normality needs questioning…
The post starts below the divider bar, first some updates, quite a few and THANK YOU for ‘checking in’ :)
Update 2/8/2025: WARNING II, from the 2ndsmartestguyintheworld, extremely important:
WAKE UP and STAND UP AGAINST the continuation of covid crimes…
Update 2/4,5/2025: about officially un-predicted weather in CA capitol, extremely windy, on days with no wind there are ‘alarms’, on day like today, no alarm… 180 deg opposite ‘predictions’… Dr. David Martin talks:
Update 1/31/2025: More essential clues on PALANTIR, predictive+PERSONAL (everyones’ God given genes) ‘med-I-cin-e’, in a post from CHR, which unfortunately never talks ‘GENE THERAPIES’, instead is deceiving with the word ‘vaccine:
Update 1/29,30/2025: Day No 1 Senate Hearings of Mr. RF Kennedy Jr, who states 'GENES DO NOT CAUSE DISEASES' : absolutely right, assuming a human with own original given by birth UNTOUCHED genes (and no gene cutting enzymes applied like in SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY).
Day No 2 RF Kennedy Jr. states: "Absolutely I support" it is about gene therapies being evolution in science NIH/FDA is working so hard on (Sen. Scott)!!!???
=> HHS is about health and since genes do not cause diseases why the hell humanity suddenly needs gene therapies Mr. RFK??? To make us HUMANS to WHAT, APES back 'again'?? More on news about real wars at the very end of this post.
Update 1/27/2025: Just as AI had a significant ‘fault’ in fueling covid propaganda, so it is possibly involved in CA fires, and now it get’s back to covid, a military operation. Everyone not shutting down the ‘cloud’ operations on own computer, Iphone, etc., is feeding the beast, now worth ~500bln$, oh no, much less now for the chinese version… AI’s combination of Microsoft, OpenAI ( and military operations, not even going into health or porn, is described here: from wi-ki, about Sam:
”Altman is an apocalypse preparer.[9][105] He said in 2016: "I have guns, gold, potassium iodide, antibiotics, batteries, water, gas masks from the Israel Defense Forces, and a big patch of land in Big Sur I can fly to."[9]” And here is how a good researcher on that topic sees it:
Update 1/24/2025: reminder related to the first ( and the second part of this post:
Update 1/21-23/2025: WARNING No 1!!!!! 500BLN for gene therapies on cancer sick patients (NOW for the many covid injected victims who went to get these ILLEGAL COVID GENE THERAPIES), according to AI specialists currently in this big DATA BUSINESS, who are saying, it was all possible only thanks Trump…. BUT the project started in 2024 though, so it was Biden in fact!!! It is about WAR(p) S(p)EED. To cause a cancer pandemic thanks to gene modifications treatments via covid mod mRNA shots and now to offer yet another mod mRNA therapy to apparently heal it, is a CRIME beyond imagination, committed by EXPERTS… The death of the TOP OpenAI programmer last Nov connected with copy rights violations applied in current AI models is described below. The 40 executive orders can be found at: and an extremely important comment on the WHO intended withdrawal in James Rogulski’s post titled “President Trump "Intends" to #ExitTheWHO“. Shouldn’t anything around health be discussed with HHS head first?? Oh, he is not there yet!!!
Update 1/20/2025: first news ‘Biden pardoned Fauci’! What?? After SO MANY covid genetically modifying injections deaths and injuries, so many hospitals intentional deaths of un-jabbed, ‘side’ effects of the entire covid agenda, which will never end??? That NEEDS TO BE UN-PARDONED, NOW, hopefully, or maybe not, let’s exercise forgiveness. Here is what Dr. David Martin says today, , and why that pardon is for period between Jan 1st 2014 and Jan 20th 2025, is explained here:
With prayers for PEACE in DC today. Many good plans were revealed, but how about stopping the illegal thus criminal covid gene therapies? From, quote: ‘Ukrainian Minister of Health Viktor Liashko ordered the destruction of a number of dangerous pathogens across Ukrainian biolab facilities, including anthrax, the plague, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. A day later, the MoD held a press briefing to reveal that a network of over 30 US-funded biolabs has been operating across Ukraine, with some of the facilities feared to be engaged in the production of chemical weapons, and others sending serum samples of "Slavic ethnicity" patients to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Maryland under the pretext of testing for COVID-19 treatment methods, for reasons as yet unknown.’, things need to be looked into…
Update 1/19/2025: In regard to War(p) S(p)eed2.0 possibility, at the very end of this post.
Update 1/18/2024: George Webb an investigative journalist, mentions in his post today among other Deep Seek, Berggruen Institute, WEF. ScaleAI (established by a second generation chinese-american A.Wang) was performing a life fire exercise named FireAId on 1st Of Jan ‘25 in LA(!!). It is worth listening, but with a grain of critical thinking, in particular because the entire event is now getting a ‘chinese touch’, like covid19, now extending into a ‘wild fire’.
Update 1/17/2025: summarizes the second part of this post very well, connecting more dots. The sanity ‘will not return until’ we see the very last picture in this post…
Update 1/16/2025 : From Peggy Hall substack, analysis of the ‘new normal fires’ which are burning the roofs first, ‘creeks in those ‘fires’ are devoid of life, no aquatic insects, frogs, turtles, fish, nothing, even when the creeks are 6 to 8 feet deep. They’ve electrocuted the creeks’ says Mr. Brame:
This should terrify everyone! Targeted annihilation of living creatures consisting of water AND metals!!! Did anyone find the missing human bodies in LA fires?
A note to the second part of this post, covid19 and health related issues, where I mentioned PALANTIR. It partnered with ‘One Health’ in 2022, which now forms a cross agency CDC + USDA +DOI for pathogen surveillance, pandemic preparedness and vaccine development. Also in 2024 PALANTIR partnered with ORACLE ( In 2024 Moderna and OpenAI started Collaboration To Advance mRNA Medicine. Equally OpenAI and Palantir are exchanging services, and data, too by now. What happened is a creation of a huge bowl of private citizen data, coming from injured and deceased genetically modified HUMANS, which became an ILLEGAL new source for an automated future. Do we need to wonder when a cold-bloody murder of a coding genius Suchir Balaji who worked for OpenAI and blowed the whistle on Sam Altman, is now totally covered up by police, lawyers, medical examiner and will be possibly totally suffocated by the new incoming SF mayor, a friend of Altman, OpenAI owner?
Update 1/15/2025: Mike and Dane are explaining more details about LA fires: can only add to it, we also got all or nothing temperature scenarios, example: CA Sac valley, in summer months with 100F, current winter time coastal temp. of ~60F, with night temp. ~10F less than coast.
Updates 1/14/2025: mentions Gov. Green, involved in LA-haina devastation AND in the Samoa MANDATORY vaccination campaign in 2019, quote:”Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat, calls Kennedy "dangerous." Because once people find out the entire truth, he will be in a different place…
Gov. Newsom announces “Reimagining LA 2.0” initiative, aligning with the city’s preparations for global events while addressing ‘wildfire’ recovery needs. (
Those victims need equally help:
Updates 1/13/2025: happening constantly as the new info flows in, for example on water, Resnicks and Newsom… All in text below.
Fires in LA started around the 1/7/2025, 1/8/2025 leaving thousands homeless, with death toll rising. How many of those victims really do have nothing right now?? It is a tragedy! Schwab, listen, nobody is happy right now, are you getting this?
Any motif? Is there something what needed to be erased, like Diddy’s past, in order to build back better, smart cities, to relink the attention and gain TIME after the recent Cybertrack story? Whatever, Please Pray for everyone down there and their eyes opening and not to get desperate in case of loosing entire livelihoods. Condolences for those who lost their loved ones.
On other note. FIRE does not exist without OXYGEN, CO2 would extinguish it immediately. Gov. Newsom, the label on every Fire Extinguisher says: It contains CO2. To blame increasing CO2 (climate ‘change’) for the presence of fires right now defies any logic. Increasing CO2 levels should make less fires, not more. And of course our food is here thanks to CO2: , , and everything else. Life without carbon doesn’t exist, and I do not mean graphene, the exotic material with superconductor properties.
Please look at these pictures at: (was free for me only the first time, no more access now..) which make the point: fires which start from inside of the houses, wooden objects, are NOT because of CLIMATE CHANGE, which ‘comes from outside’. Many LA fire pictures show structures burning inside with standing walls untouched from outside, where did ‘the energy’ come from? ABOVE? Mr. Shellenberger (who got his FOX voice, Tucker Carlson voice), who can’t distinguish the difference between wind and fire and defines Jan as fire season(??), question, would a full Palisades water reservoir have prevented melting of all these cars? Not, if you have a targeted huge flow of energy deliberately applied by all the communication networks. Arsonists, fireworks anything out there, will not generate the energy needed to melt metals, glas. And even this corruption:, proceeded by this corruption:, followed by this corruption:,_Governor_of_California_(2024), ending with the current corruption in LA fires, does not explain the energy deficit, (no not the green energy!) caused by the difference of melting temperatures of all the materials involved in the current unbelievable fires. It is high school physics, and many PhD’s didn’t get it immediately on 9/11…
It is just strange, that LA’s MSM broadcasting epicenter on Mount Wilson with transmitting towers of nearly every Los Angeles TV station, many of its FM radio stations, was rescued immediately, quote: “a fire suppressant was dumped from a tanker, quickly knocking down the flames and reducing the immediate danger.”, and the same didn’t apply to civilians, for days??? And note, it was not water, but rather fire suppressant (CO2?) used down there… FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said that the impact of the fires on communications has been minimal (from It sounds like the communications are more important than humans in 2025. And how many other strategic points were rescued, except for private houses?? And truly, would like to know what the Starlink satellites are seeing from far above… After looking at many of these fires, with the latest report at:
there is this elephant in the room completely blocked out by the powers. Possibly this post will end like the Lahaina post, without any/or ‘erased’ attention.. And today addition by Greg:
All the revealed human corruptions are a prelude feeding MSM, and do not EXPLAIN the current real burning process in all fires, ever since ~2015, or actually ever since 2001 on 9/11. The government corruption witnessed in LA is huge, and reported at:, includes funding cuts for Fire Departments, and especially in substack post titled ”Palisades Fire - Deep Seek And Destroy? by George Webb, a different dimension of the destruction is presented. In this post you can see how a really burned forest looks like, there is nothing left from the trees, except for the charcoaled stem: Peggy Hall reports on fires also for years, with the most recent at:
Another summary worth reading: pointed out today to looting by Tom Cruises' and Will Smith’s Scientologists, yes from the same church community which painted lot of their roofs with blue colors: , and that despite of the recommendation by the Nobel prize winner, ‘cool’ laser Stanford physicist, Steve Chu, who was telling everyone to paint the roof white because of climate ‘change’…
Yes, the same physicist just recently signed a letter with 76 other Nobel prize winners to reject RF Kennedy’s Jr nomination as HHS secretary! One more example of global ‘warning’ agenda, we are just too many here on this round spinning ball: . The same place Satnford, sorry Stanford, comes always in a spotlight, ever since ~1975 and the first conference where decisions were made, on a Nobel prize level to change this world, beyond recognition: The list of their names on the first GMO support letter is here:
And what is this:
Must admit, only substack publishes the ‘controversial’ fires stories, in official MSM this one fire aspect, geoengineering, is still completely suppressed, exactly like the fact about universal covid-19 GENE THERAPIES. Why? Without that part, even all the fixed human errors and admitted corruption will not halt the coming ‘climate agenda’ caused by exactly that never revealed fact, ongoing geoengineering, for decades, reported by Dane Wigington ever since. How to fight that deception? Ask questions.
Which climate change exactly is capable of melting those cars, like nothing seen before ever since 9/11? Which climate change ‘feature’ burns totally a collection of differently oriented houses and leaves the near standing trees almost untouched at speeds of 100mph? Even with the dramatic 4deg C temperature increase, where does the energy come from to melt that steel at ~2250degC in these fires? Note, why the hell, so many of the plastics are untouched in the same time? The cases of left over car tires include intact ones:
or the ones which ‘evaporate’:
These are partly IDENTICAL questions everyone should have already asked in 2001 on 9/11, in Santa Rosa, Chico, Paradise, LA-heinous fires. The accumulating human ‘mistakes’, or deliberate actions strangely happening right before the LA fires, all this is not explaining the real reason of such absolute but also targeted devastation. The point is, if the fires have unnatural features, proceeded by many sketchy plain evil actions, like cancelling fire insurances, isn’t it logical that the event must have been engineered, pre-planned? Geoengineered? Like covid19, BIO-engineered??? Like 9/11? Like that event shown on the blatant Economist cover image below from Dec 19th 2024 in an article titled “The world ahead 2025“, putting at the top skyscrapers, in LA, maybe??? The image is from
That Saturn story was created by The Prisoner and is available at
The infernos are being commented everywhere, here some of them:
‘Somebody’ wants us all HUMANS, all out, no matter how poor or rich, good or bad. This page is listing the names involved in it: People need to become aware of the for decades ongoing geoengineering: with more on the most recent from Dane Wigington:
who is pointing to the 1970 publication titled: “Forest Fire as a Military Weapon. A June 1970 Report of study commissioned by the Department of Defense.” with the following diagram
from the document at: Doesn’t it explain the ‘unusual' timing and weather conditions of the current event in LA, described 55 years ago?
Mr. Wigington notified Mr. News-om(g) more then 10 years ago about that issue, no response. Here from some professionals about building materials at: , quote “The most fire resistant forms of siding are brick, stone and metal.” Well, no more now. A new type of energy downs it all, BUT strangely leaves many trees barely touched. From which direction came the fire on this picture below? Screen snapshot from FOXnews at, where you can see a wider section. The forest stands untouched, the house explodes in flames. Clearly it is NOT the vegetation which feeds the fire, it is the content of the burned structures. Here is a good source of who is feeding the money for new types of nanomaterials with ‘exotic features’
and for application of nanomaterials in construction, electronics, agriculture (thus water, soil and air) just search in browser and you get for example, quote:”The construction sector is responsible for 25 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 50 % of the world's energy. This paper addresses the use of nanomaterials in housing construction, comparing their influence at the technical-structural level. Materials such as titanium dioxide, carbon nanotubes, nanosilica, nanocellulose, nanoalumina, and nanoclays were analyzed.” (
Facit: The very same ‘climate change’ justifies usage of materials which are feeding it. Search every of those materials MSDM data sheets and you will find: ‘Flammability: No data available’, Explosive properties: Not available, and from NIST, for example on the nTO2: Flammability (solid, gas): not applicable…. Really???
Please, be aware of the presence of weaponry ( which goes beyond the horizon of daily TV imagination, and no, the fires are not about the 'little fish’, that’s or a lack of complete knowledge or intentional deception about the real reason of the crime blamed on human corruption, negligence and DEI:
another even deeper dive into the arena is presented by Dr. Greer:
and the most recent one about incredible mind and soul, Maxwell Chikumbutso (it was posted on Ron’s Substack ):
Will leave the hot topic right now (updates will be added at the begin) and go back to the still ongoing covid related human trauma.
When you read books like “Corona false alarm“ by Dr. K. Reiss and Prof. S. Bhakdi or ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ by RF Kennedy Jr., and so many more by now, and then you realize: “The federal government has provided about $4.6 trillion to help the nation respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.“ ( while asking who took all the money, you need to check what is happening now. Guy Hatchard, PhD just published in Expose an article titled: ”Because of the “success” of covid, New Zealand has introduced a Gene Technology Bill”, with the first sentence: “The dream of biotechnology, which promised a new age of health and human achievement..“ Also “The bill’s introduction is believed to be driven by trade negotiations with the US, which wants New Zealand to deregulate biotechnology to pave the way for similar deregulation in Europe.”
Even VAERS (, the most corrupt reporting system of all, lists millions of injuries, thousands of dead bodies, and now call that all a ‘success’?? And there are some who despite of all the dead bodies still want more testing of synthetic genetic materials on HUMANS, with the most essential in the last 2 minutes:
The person here on the left at:, is the one behind RF Kennedy Jr. drop out from his run last year…
Moderna, CIA and religious circles has a common hero, J. Robert Kerrey: , , and here more of the faces who do profit from gene therapies:
Let’s start with Mod-E-RNA injections production CIA based facility Search for their funds (RESILIENCE GOVERNMENT SERVICES, INC. =RGS) at: gives ~280mln from DOD and only ~15mln from HHS, whereby all HHS contracts between Apr 2020 and July 2024 were strangely not related to SARS-CoV-2 but rather to MAB (monoclonal antibodies) for BOTULINUM NEUROTOXIN SEROTYPE G,F. HHS contracts between 2009 and 2013 were for smallpox and contracts from DHS for 6.5mln in May 2021 (early time of covid injections) for Resilience partners ‘JOINT VENTURE RAP TO CONTINUE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND RISK COMMUNICATIONS CERC SUPPORT‘.. That can’t be for the donuts after covid jabs, etc., as seen on TV’s, because that was ‘brought to you by Pfizer’. Examples of spending by NIAID can be investigated here: Money flow speaks for the actions, and their consequences.
And like many government tasks, once you’ve done something with an expiration date, it’s a time to say good-bye: . There are some exceptions though, like Dr. Fauci, a Jesuit born on the 24th of Dec.
Why did the big money went for botulism research at RGS in the years where it was corona virus causing the biggest ‘p(l)andemic’ in human history? Quick check for Spike2020 and bacterial Botulin toxin similarities (strangely almost identical in size with Spike, 1296 vrs. 1273) shows, again, as always, quite a portion, in particular the ACE2 Receptor Binding Domain portion:
Query 516 SIENLSSDIIGQL---ELMPNIERFPNGKKYELDKYTMFHYLRAQEFEHGKSRIALTNSV 572 +I ++ +DI+ +L E I+R G+ L Y +RA E + +A T + Sbjct 972 AISSVLNDILSRLDKVEAEVQIDRLITGRLQSLQTYVTQQLIRAAEI-RASANLAATK-M 1029 Query 573 NEALLNPSRVYTFFSSDY 590 P0DPI0.1 Botulin +E +L S+ F Y Sbjct 1030 SECVLGQSKRVDFCGKGY 1047 P0DTC2.1 Spike2020 Query 828 GTLIGQVDRLKDKVNNTLSTDIP 850 G LIG + VNN+ DIP Sbjct 648 GCLIG-----AEHVNNSYECDIP 665 many pieces of the ACE2 binding domain, including that 'PFERDIST' peptide, which means literally in German 'the horse is': Query 93 KLFERIYSTDL 103 K FER ST++ Sbjct 462 KPFERDISTEI 472 Query 282 FRLYYYNKFK----DIASTLNKAKS 302 +RL+ + K DI++ + +A S Sbjct 453 YRLFRKSNLKPFERDISTEIYQAGS 477 Query 276 SLQENEFRLY 285 S E+EFR+Y Sbjct 151 SWMESEFRVY 160 <<= this portion is also special..
Bacterial Botulin toxin, BoNT from A to F, with A being the most lethal ( blocks the neurotransmitters release while interacting with human SNAP25 protein. One of the pioneers in crystallography, the good old Bill wrote with his team years back a paper describing that protein: Crystal structure and biophysical properties of a complex between the N-terminal SNARE region of SNAP25 and syntaxin 1a. KMS Misura et al. with WI Weis. J. of Biol. Chem. 276 (44), 41301-41309. They also worked on: “The structure of a membrane fusion mutant of the influenza virus haemagglutinin.” WI Weis et al. with DC Wiley. The EMBO J. 9 (1), 17-24 1990. (
Unfortunately one can’t ask the 2 PI’s more questions, both are dead, William I Weis died in 2023 ( and his old MIT friend, Don C Wiley was murdered in 2001 ( Well, MSM says it was an accident. Yes, in particular with Wiley finding new ways to help the human immune system battle such viral scourges as smallpox, influenza, HIV/AIDS and herpes simplex.
It appears that SARS-CoV-2 is indeed connected with botulism: “Botulism during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: The importance of differential diagnoses“. The same Salicylanilides like sal30 inhibit the most lethal toxin BoNT-A as well as the viral activity of SARS-CoV-2 ( And here is where these Botulism funds are crossing with the nicotine remedy during covid19 :”Could treatment with botulinum toxin protect against subsequent infection with COVID-19?”( What? One toxin against even worse one in order to apparently ‘rescue’ the human body??? At least in the abstract the authors admit “The recent mention of a potential protective effect of nicotine in COVID 19, by blocking ACh, attracted our attention and guided the present study.“ but their task was to inject the clueless victims with the botulin toxin, no nicotine for them… That’s called ‘science’. NEVER, EVER, anything NATURAL, since that is ‘not in line with’ whoever pays for the studies. The entire medicine, made by Rockefellers et al., is NOT A SCIENCE, but rather an OIL based drugs intoxication.
The Mod-E-RNA financial endeavor is connected with one of the most influential company, Palantir: , thus this should immediately ring the bell:
But that’s not all, their software package called Palantir, is helping many companies to chase their data, among others PG&E, most probably readings from smart meters. One can imagine such data during fires must be invaluable! And when one adds to it the health status of the owners, that’s even better! Maybe? Just a speculation.
Identical words for 2 different things are being used everywhere, to confuse and hide. So Palantir No2, their software is described at:
and it does the ‘Characterization of cell fate probabilities in single-cell data with Palantir using Human Cell Atlas Project43.’, among many others.
A source code description of that Palantir No 2 package at:
lists an example of its application with: ‘function plots the expression of HSC gene CD34
, myeloid gene MPO
and erythroid precursor gene GATA1
and dendritic cell gene IRF8’
Is the CD34 gene involved somewhere in covid19? Yes, big time, here some examples:, and from, quote:
“Early data from the SARS-CoV-1 epidemic indicated that CD34+ cells in the lung could also be a target of infection and that destruction of lung CD34+ progenitors could account for persistence of pulmonary manifestations.”
Is GATA1 active in covid19??? Yes, it plays a role in neutrophil disregulation, Alzheimers and memory loss: and
Are MPO genes involved in covid19?? Yes, again involving neutrophils, oxidative stress:, ,
And IRF8 genes, are they involved in covid19? Yes, most importantly in processes involving type I interferons (IFNs), thus playing a central role in initiating antiviral immune response:
So where is that Palantir package used? Possibly here: and here: and in many more places.
Any Privacy of data? “Confidentiality, privacy, and general practice: GPDPR and the brave new world of ‘big data’ in 2021 by Paquita de Zulueta 1 “( quote: ”We also know that the NHS has links with commercial technology giants and the corporate sector. For example, NHSX holds the extensive NHS COVID-19 data store, which has contracts with Palantir Technologies, a US company known more for supporting spy agencies, militaries, and border forces, as well as with Amazon, Google, and others to provide data analysis and management.”
Not only that. Palantir in 2020 was described at “Surveillance capitalism,” regardless, has blended into the commons architecture in the form of “capitalist platforms” such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook, as well as data analysis start-ups such as Palantir and Clearview AI. These businesses enable "value-creating interactions between external producers and consumers, providing an open, participative infrastructure for these interactions and setting governance conditions for them.” 1”
Just few snippets of Palantir’s powers.
Dec 2, 2023: The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology; The Lancet Digital Health; ... levels of success.
On Nov 21, 2023, NHS England announced the award of a 7-year, £330 million contract to Palantir Technologies UK to create a ... Attempting to profit from customer data in this way would be illegal and would undermine the trust that is necessary to work in ... Palantir NHS contract raises criticisms - The Lancet
If you want to dive in more details to see what’s cooking at palantir go here and read their patents:
but you need to know that’s not all. The most important patents are SECRET, behind the special ‘Invention Secrecy ACT’ (‘law’ signed in 1951). It’s because with a military agent in every patent office the special ‘national security’ items, new inventions, needs to be ‘protected’.. The true great things for humanity are classified with the only new owner: military. At least part of medical Palantir research is out:
FLU and diabetes.
Similar to the last post, let’s look at the NIH BLAST comparison of the Insulin A6XGL2 (INS) with Hemagglutinin WYN03019.1 (HEM)
The above is like taking the entire human insulin section of 98 amino acids which increases cell permeability to monosaccharides, amino acids and fatty acids, which accelerates glycolysis, the pentose phosphate cycle, and glycogen synthesis in liver, and literally blending it into HA1 portion of hemagglutinin from Influenza A virus H5N1 (strain A/Texas/37/2024, at That’s the portion which is extremely positive charged at the C-terminal and which is capable of crossing membranes.
What is the purpose of all this? Bill and Don would know for sure. Somebody will find out, one day.
Will stop the analysis here and send out the post, which will be updated, for those who are interested.
THANK You for reading. Any comments would be very much appreciated.
A song, which this crazy, evil world really needs: Psalm of love (song in polish).
And lastly, a DOCUMENTARY which explains a LOT of what is happening right now:
The background on this image from:
should be LA fires, given that Mel Gibson’s house burned down totally and Diddy’s still standing. And what did Gibson sad just recently? Ivermectin heals cancers.. 1/29/2025 Bombshell about cancers:
Mel says, it is actually much, much worse, it is about the missing children:
More cancer cures hints:
Well, and today this, from controlled opposition, A. Jones about Gates and Trumps 3 hour long dinner just recently:
There is that first word by Gates ‘intriguing’… Facit, become the unbelievable Thomas, and once you are sure what is going on, say something.. Well, it’s getting real HUMANS, here from Nature:
“‘Never seen anything like this’: Trump’s team halts NIH meetings and travel“
I hope one day NIH will really start doing something for the HUMAN BEINGS!
Thank You Mr. President! Well there are some other extremely important voices out there too:
this is a test, over.. There are no comments here, despite of having 1 in the buffer...